The furor over a Black American being or becoming conservative is the democratic party being what they’ve never out grown/ the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation. The furor is a play on the old canard – black folks are real nice . . . as long as they know their “place”!!! Their “place” of course in their minds is in the democratic party and how dare they “think” differently!! Cripes why can’t folks see that!!!???
Trump is no angel, we are all sinners, but he and I are not ruled by satan. Make a sign of the cross and oust satan from Washington and replace with PROLIFE people, who try to do GODS WILL.
Trump shows every time he opens his mouth he is a Rocky, arrogant, mean spirited S O B. I understand why people don’t like him. I don’t have to like him ( but I do ) to see this is what America needs in a leader. Slow smiling Grandpa Joe has made us look incompetent, stupid and soft. It’s time for us to say what we mean and mean what we say.
Seeing the previously democrat base, FINALLY starting to wake up to reality, gives me hope for America’s future. Now if we, the people, can find a way to control the lies & cheating of the democratic deep state, then maybe we can reverse our downward spiral into oblivion. With God’s help, we can reclaim our moral compass, & point this country in the right direction. Educate yourself on the issues; & then vote for those who share your ideals. Don’t just base your opinion on personality, or one issue; but on the big picture. May God bless America.
excellent, another black american telling the world blacks are not democrats anymore.
Guess the new quote will be” if you democrats you ain’t black.
love it .. go trump …2024
The furor over a Black American being or becoming conservative is the democratic party being what they’ve never out grown/ the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation. The furor is a play on the old canard – black folks are real nice . . . as long as they know their “place”!!! Their “place” of course in their minds is in the democratic party and how dare they “think” differently!! Cripes why can’t folks see that!!!???
correct ..
Trump is no angel, we are all sinners, but he and I are not ruled by satan. Make a sign of the cross and oust satan from Washington and replace with PROLIFE people, who try to do GODS WILL.
Trump shows every time he opens his mouth he is a Rocky, arrogant, mean spirited S O B. I understand why people don’t like him. I don’t have to like him ( but I do ) to see this is what America needs in a leader. Slow smiling Grandpa Joe has made us look incompetent, stupid and soft. It’s time for us to say what we mean and mean what we say.
Seeing the previously democrat base, FINALLY starting to wake up to reality, gives me hope for America’s future. Now if we, the people, can find a way to control the lies & cheating of the democratic deep state, then maybe we can reverse our downward spiral into oblivion. With God’s help, we can reclaim our moral compass, & point this country in the right direction. Educate yourself on the issues; & then vote for those who share your ideals. Don’t just base your opinion on personality, or one issue; but on the big picture. May God bless America.