My question is, “Why risk anyone’s life or waste the time and resources trying to save her?” SHE’S A MURDERER!!! Stand at the edge of the pond, wave goodbye, and cheer her on as she drowns. She’s just going to be a burden to society, cost law-abiding taxpayers MILLIONS, and probably try to kill more people after you waste the time to save her.
My question is, “Why risk anyone’s life or waste the time and resources trying to save her?” SHE’S A MURDERER!!! Stand at the edge of the pond, wave goodbye, and cheer her on as she drowns. She’s just going to be a burden to society, cost law-abiding taxpayers MILLIONS, and probably try to kill more people after you waste the time to save her.
correct …
WHY? Because Biden needs things like that to help him steal one more election so as to completely destroy America.
What’s the hurry to rescue her? Let her drown. Alligators need food to!
The epitome of stupid is as stupid does. Let her go.
sink baby sink .