BREAKING: 150,000 ballots GO MISSING in Fulton County Georgia, state defense RESIGN from case..



The same people screaming democracy are the same people trying to subvert it.

As secure as the 2020 election I see. The USA has become what the Founding Fathers feared most.


  1. I hope Americans see the destructive policies put forward from the biden communist regime!!
    joe “where the hell am I” biden is a pathological liar, he’s been his entire sorry ass career!! But the left will continue along with MSM covering for a traitor to America, joe biden!!
    This is the most dishonest, corrupt regime ever in American history, and biden owns that!!

      • No I haven’t. I just know biden is the most corrupt liar to ever occupy the oval office!! He’s in bed with China for God’s sake!! He just sent Gaza 100 MILLION dollars, and he snubs Americans after the horrible accident in Palestine, Ohio!! People there are dying, getting sick, getting cancers and biden won’t see these people, he refuses to go there, he’s refused meeting them at the WH!! SAY WHAT YOU WANT, BUT PRESIDENT TRUMP WOULD HELP THESE AMERICANS, FIRST!! PERIOD!! DISPUTE THAT BUFFOON!!

      • The “orange baffoon” had NO WARS (Biden has two almost WWIII), low inflation/high growth, wage growth, hostage release, low number of illegal immigrants. So Yeh, we have all heard of him and the great things he did for the country. Too bad you have such a bad case of tds that you would rather the country fail than support someone who wants to clean up politics and the deep state because “they” tell you who to support.

  2. This is the Marxist Democrat way, like Russia and China, LIE and Cheat in elections.

    And our crooked Marxist media assists them.

  3. Fraud white house needs be immediately arrest fraud not right one won 2020 related, was is

    fraud Georgia now saying 150,000 missing votes ballots, as vidoe tapes prove by all illegal votes run pulled our under tables voting poll by workers , needs arrested adding illegals transport across entering of United States adding enemies usa , of China, Russia, Iran needs tried for treason jailed for illegal immigrants crimes adding in try add illegals miss us powers office laws of United States America!!!

      • think you can’t read minds Don. It’s an indicator of mental illness. Hillary lost by underestimating Trump by using that same word She didn’t think she needed to use the chest machine or work hard to beat the buffoon.When you use insults, it shows everyone that your opinion is fact-free with no content.

      • WOW, that’s a great reply, with insulting people that support conservative issues!! Maybe you should have been left back in the first grade, idiot!!

  4. OH the Cherry on top…House Repub’s now giving FBI $300 Mill for new offices?? WHAT!! All the office space in DC going to waste on top of
    that….then they have the nerve to bombard us with wanting $$$$$$
    24-7 !!! They need to get thier H & A wired together and quit rolling
    over…what a mess take a few steps back and just look at this train
    wreck…lights on and nobodys home again….say one thing and do
    another….same ole same ole some names have changed but still the same ole same ole…

      • Don, do you know that you are showing another behavioral symptom of mental illness. Projecting ‘cult’ on to others when you are in a Cult is classic Narcissistic behavior, along with gaslighting and believing that you are superior to others. Trump committed no crimes as he would be under a Federal Prison if he spit on the sidewalk and you know it. The evidence of the mighty, mighty Federal Government trying to nail him for 8 years, when they claim he committed “literally hundreds of crimes”, is too funny!
        Tell me TDS Don, why haven’t they convicted Trump of something?
        Is it because he is a criminal genius and can’t be caught because he is too smart?
        Is it because the crooked FBI is really the Keystone Kops and can’t find their ass with both hands?
        Or is it because he committed no crimes and his ‘criminal history ‘ is bogus, and it’s really POLITICAL warfare, made to look like legit proceedings. However, only the surface thinkers believe Trump is really a criminal.

  5. The democrat machine is unalterably corrupt. They are afraid of Trump, because he can’t be bought or intimidated by the deep state. Trump had this country in better overall shape than any time since Reagan. Bungling,bumbling, lying Biden destroyed (by executive order) all of the good policies Trump put in place. Biden & his minions are trying to destroy America. Obama started the downward spiral, & Biden has accelerated it. The evidence is available, if you take the time to look. Only GOD can save us now. Choices have consequences; & if you voted for Biden, this is on you. Wake up & correct your previous mistake; & hope & pray it’s not too late.

    • Trump can’t be bought? That’s funny. He has been bought from the day he was born. His mother missed the perfect opportunity to stop that a hole before he even got started. Should have thrown his ass in the dumpster instead of taking him home.

  6. I think it was in Ga. but I remember seeing piles of mail in ballots and they were flat as a pancake. Mail in ballots should not be flat, they should have folds that don’t flatten our. What did they do iron them before piling them up

  7. Mr. Don Nesbit, you appear to be demonstrating that you as a misfit, cannot accept the fact that the reality is coming back to bite you. Hope you can see the truth some day, but right now you are just letting your pelican mouth overload your Hummingbird ass. OPEN YOUR EYES DUMMY.

  8. Can you biden supporters see the ILLEGALITIES concerning the 2020 elections?? What just happened in Connecticut?? A woman was on camera putting several votes in the box, it was enough to OVERTURN THAT ELECTION!! In Arizona in 2020, they have pictures of van loads of illegal votes and some of those voters were DEAD!!

  9. Look at the Jan 6 tapes that the public will now be allowed to see (and the democrats did not want you to see). Show us where the insurrection was. It was a fraud. When the powers that be in the government are hiding evidence and lying – that is when you have to look under the covers and see what is really true. People are in jail based on the big lie. It could happen to anyone if the democrats get total control.

    The democratic party wants the borders open because statistics say immigrants will vote democratic 70% of the time. They want as many as possible to come in as they will be the new voters and don’t thank that some are already voting illegally. They know that they are losing the Citizens’s votes and the new illegals will know who they should be grateful to. In some states all you will need to vote is a driver’s license and that document does not indicate citizenship. This is a long range plan for the democrats. Over 15 million illegals have come in during the Biden term and that could easily swing a close election. They do not care about what it does to our country.

    If you compare the “insurrection” to the riots of the previous summer, the J6 event was a picnic. No buildings destroyed, stores looted, police cars burned, etc. But one prominent congress person said those summer riots where a hoax. Tell that to those who were there. It has been shown that many of the J6 rioters (even the ones insisting the crowd to go into the building) were police and FBI. The tapes will show the truth. Anyone who does not wish to see the proof believes what they want and does not want to bother to see the real facts. They get very upset when the truth is presented to them. They call people names and sometimes get violent. Should a country be like that?

    Then there is the case of Hunter Biden getting away with acts that would put regular citizens in jail and the FBI and press blocking the truth which in my mind should be a jail offense fir them. That would be called election interference.

    Trump had the quid pro quo case against him and it was nothing but Biden on national TV bragged about doing that himself. So where was the court case against him?

    I have seen tapes of the election vote counting and that alone should convince anyone that just wont look at it that Rapid fraud was happening. In many states Trump had a comfortable lead when the voting was stopped for the night and magically it switched to Biden the next morning when no counting was taking place.


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