BREAKING NEWS: Ted Cruz Absolutely Explodes At Dick Durbin, Accuses Him Of Calling Him A ‘Bigot’



Term limits! No communists nor anti-American representative in Congress.

It should be law, that when EVERY SENATOR AND HOUSE REP speaks, a chyron at the bottom of the screen should show who they have stocks in, and who their biggest donors are so we THE PEOPLE, can see who they ACTUALLY speak for, because it isn’t US.


  1. Dummycrats really are bigots, but it’s not all based on skin color. They HATE anyone who disagrees with their Marxist attitudes and use and exploit oppressed people solely for political gain. They don’t care about poor people. regardless of skin color, they want them all on welfare so they can control them. These suckers they buy into this Marxist crap don’t realize, because they’re too lazy to do the research, that if the dummycrats ever convert this country to full blown communism (the ultimate goal of the dummycrat party) the welfare will be gone, and the state will make the people work or starve. That is what they USSR, China, North Korea, Viet Nam, Cuba, and all other communist countries are like. And the state will choose your occupation whether you like or not.

    • No. We hate ignorant fuckers like you who don’t know what we stand for so you use terms like “communist” when you don’t even know what it is. I can fully accept people who disagree with me when their beliefs can be supported by facts. Not when its based on emotional feelings.

    • Based on my meeting with him. I am from Illinois and have met Dick Durbin. He IS a scumbag. I was wearing a dress as the time and his eyes never lifted above my chest level and he would not let go of my hand. I had to pull forcefully away from him. He should not be in the Senate at all.

  2. Every single democrats is corrupt. there are no exceptions. if you are voter democrat, if you say: ” I vote liberal”, then you are the problem.


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