Bud Light’s idea is to now make the MEN that buy it, look STUPID?!



I’m just impressed. they’re insulting men. they’re insulting women. the only people they aren’t insulting are the alphabet crowd, who last I checked don’t buy their damn product.

What’s really unbelievable about this is that a woman would put her cell phone down long enough to get a non-burn mark on her stomach.


  1. What better way to take down the greatest nation on earth? Rid it of its warriors, get rid of the military Draft, make men objects of ridicule, give them puzzees and swim suits to tuck their junk in and present us to the globe as a bunch of wanna be tw–ts.. who cant do anything masculine, have to compete against women in sports, claiming to be a female,, but hey…. Remember when TV commercials began to use pre and grade school “know it all” little ass -wipes to instruct mom and dad in the error of their ways? What changed…? It used to show a family with a man as the household bread winner, dressed in men’s clothing and a wife , living in decent homes, with decent cars and living normal lives. The kids obeyed the folks, had respect and then? The kid became the center of the home, NOT THE FAMILY, but the crown jewels who started to run the show,and look how they have turned out? The Peter-Pan generation who never leave home and enslave the parents to be their caretakers until the day they die? This shift started YEARS ago.. very subtly to get the kids to drive the parents nuts to buy sht in a store, like Lucky Charms or some other trash. They targeted KIDS and we let it slide, now??? Observe all of the TV ads.. Remember when you got your ass whipped for jumping up and down on the bed, as it would ruin the springs in it? Today , this is promoted in commercials, or a kid pulls dinner off of the table using a table cloth and pretending to be a cute little “magician” while mom and dad…. stupid dupes sit there on their asses and watch him destroy the dishes and the food and make a mess. After all, he does run the family and the home and they are there to only appease his fantasies with no consequences… Pay attention folks and then ask why some 15 yr. old commits a mass shooting… It starts when they come out of the birth canal and are raised as icons and untouchable little treasures… We have created several generations of idiots and monsters..


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