Canada’s doctors REVOLT against Justin Trudeau’s MAID program, what’s next? | Redacted News



Respect to everyone who is standing up against authoritarianism.

Trudeau should try out the MAID program to show the Canadian that it is perfectly safe.


  1. Wow! What a dictator. Can’t execute killers who committed heinous crimes, but they can Medically Assist in Dying (MAID) ill people, and trying to include executing the mentally ill? To the point of “retraining” medical people to do that. Canadians need to get rid of Trudeau and all like-minded Canadian politicians.

  2. That’s what I’ve been arguing to the Commienadian human BOTS and fellow travellers with their little superiority, pseudo intellectual, better than thou aattitudes. ….. BUT, on second thought, maybe we just go a little longer with that thar’ Canadian MAID government program. Might just clear the decks some how. Let’s see.

  3. a lot of the far left people are the stupid low IQ older folks who still think they are hippies from the 1960’s. Let the MAID program knock them all off and them you will have a better chance of logical discussions.

    I was sitting at a table at a ski area the other day and down the way was an old guy who still had long flowing hair like an ancient Robert Plant. he had obviously made money somewhere as he had on all high end ski stuff. he was bellowing some nonsense about chasing more glory days and how criminal trump is.

    I decided I am going to follow this dude and see if he can ski. I will admit it is a little unfair as I have raced and taught skiing for 40 years. Well once off the chair it did not take long to realize he had never had a glory day skiing. i popped past and and pointed myself down a challenging run. Hos ego could not resist and he turned down it. I let him go a while then I set out figuring he was going to need some help. sure enough equipment strewn everywhere. As I picked up his stuff and handed it to him I told him: “shins against the front of the boots, arms down the hill, stay off the ungroomed stuff” and I skied away.

    That is what old leftists are all ego no thinking.

  4. We need to step back and look at this from 1000 feet. But we have a group that his working on Reducing the population. New the rules a re exoneration me. The world has gone made. The very people pushing this are the ones that need to exterminated first.

  5. castro trudeau needs to kill off he older folks so he can pocket the cash and run off to cuba.

    Canada stop voting liberal.


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