Everyone in office NOT calling this out needs to be investigated too. She is guilty! If a judge can say that without a trial for Trump. The same holds here.
Cause black people vote for the wrong reasons! Thats why they have the problems they having now in this city, and all the major cities! And now they are regretting it big time! But this ghetto rat mayor is crazy and should be in prison!
Why is it all the black women in politics are so corrupt?
Cause black people vote for the wrong reasons! Thats why they have the problems they having now in this city, and all the major cities! And now they are regretting it big time! But this ghetto rat mayor is crazy and should be in prison!
prison for life … crazy ass .mayor ..but you are right who are the people that vote for this BS
yes ,,, why .. wth …
everyone of them is black ..
Is there a black female mayor who isn’t like this? I’ve yet to see one, although there are plenty like this gal.