As a democrat I’m voting for Trump because the liberals have lost their mind. All my friends and family feel the same way.

I live in California. I can promise you our DA Gascon will not incarcerate or do anything. We have the same awful policies. Trump 2024


  1. I don’t bother with the Clown News Network and haven’t since the early 80s when I had a traveling job and saw them in airports with their lying trash.

  2. If your a democrat and think Biden has your back, your a fool for thinking that. If you don’t or can’t understand the truth about Biden and the democrats. Then your a even bigger fool. It’s all right there for all to see. You may not like Trump, but at least he tells you like it is. And he worked to make life better for you and did it for free. If you think the country is in good shape, then your part of the problem, not the solution. Iam not saying Trump is the solution either, but it will come down to either Biden or trump like it did Hillary or trump, and that in its self saids it all. The last 4 democrat president didn’t do anything for the country, they did what helped them get richer. But the country suffered from all their bad decisions, And we still are. If the democrats had any one that worked to fix the country and not for their own Benefits. It would be a different story, bit look at whontheir talking about for the elections. Face it they have no one that will do the work for the people or the country. Unless they get RFK back in the game. That’s their only hope . But he like trump … they can’t control and for that reason that won’t happen. It’s all about the party not the country or the people for the democrats. What turned them away, and what the hell are they thinking ??? That’s all I have to say about that.

  3. this is what a cnn host looks like when 10 years of lies gets thrown in the face.

    leftists lie. it is what they do. Before they lie to other people they spend years lying to themselves. then when it all becomes clear and public they realization of their lies give them that blank duuuh face.

  4. It is really hard to know what to believe anymore. As an American and a member of the human race, I along with the rest of us deserve the truth. Even if the truth hurts, we still have the right to know!

  5. it’s not bad enough yet
    The governor has done nothing
    the mayors have done nothing
    Voters are blind and done nothing
    keep voting to the same
    we are running out of time

  6. The fact is that every day we see proof that the ideas, beliefs and concepts do not work. They just don’t

    there are reasons they do not work:

    1. they are trying to fix problems that were problems in 1910 not 2010.
    2. they cheat, lie and steal and need a cause to be loud about to imply virtue were there is none.
    3. they make up fantasies and they repeat them until they believe them.
    4. they ignore the growing failure of their approach then when it is overwhelming claim the failure as a brand new issue to solve rather then stopping their approach.
    5. they automatically reject anything conservative while demanding the conservative views are the rock on which they base their changes.
    6. they think everything it too big to fail so their screw ups don;t matter.
    7. they never think past the small view issue and the small view fix.


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