This period before the election is bothering a lot of voters. MANY ARE SWAYED by the lies of the former occupant of the white house. IT IS sad for a leader of a democratic nation to talk like a child struggling to organize his thoughts. Worst, he despises people who serve the military who protect our country, call them ‘suckers and losers. IN REALITY, he is a sucker and a loser. HIS LANGUAGE is not appropriate for a former leader of the free world, sound like he comes from an elementary school not accredited by the public education system. HE CLAIMS to have a degree from Wharton School where I used to sit in one of the classrooms when I started my bachelor of science in nursing in 1966. He speaks like he has not gone to school, his language is primitive, calls immigrants bloody for America, meaning stain of America. Calls a congresswoman horse faced and did not like to have a soldier on a wheelchair not to be present in one of the occasion where he needed to speak. NO RESEPCT FOR ANYONE: narcissistic, a sure sign of mental deficiency to function in a normal manner. Americans, wake up, do we need to be led by an imbecile? I AM A CHRISTIAN who prays twice daily for his enlightenment to learn the proper decorum of a normal human. MAY OUR almighty GOD ENLIGHTEN ALL of us and learn to show humane respect to people of different creed, color and origin.
This period before the election is bothering a lot of voters. MANY ARE SWAYED by the lies of the former occupant of the white house. IT IS sad for a leader of a democratic nation to talk like a child struggling to organize his thoughts. Worst, he despises people who serve the military who protect our country, call them ‘suckers and losers. IN REALITY, he is a sucker and a loser. HIS LANGUAGE is not appropriate for a former leader of the free world, sound like he comes from an elementary school not accredited by the public education system. HE CLAIMS to have a degree from Wharton School where I used to sit in one of the classrooms when I started my bachelor of science in nursing in 1966. He speaks like he has not gone to school, his language is primitive, calls immigrants bloody for America, meaning stain of America. Calls a congresswoman horse faced and did not like to have a soldier on a wheelchair not to be present in one of the occasion where he needed to speak. NO RESEPCT FOR ANYONE: narcissistic, a sure sign of mental deficiency to function in a normal manner. Americans, wake up, do we need to be led by an imbecile? I AM A CHRISTIAN who prays twice daily for his enlightenment to learn the proper decorum of a normal human. MAY OUR almighty GOD ENLIGHTEN ALL of us and learn to show humane respect to people of different creed, color and origin.