This is a link to an article summarizing the FAA hiring discrimination lawsuit referenced by President Trump and VP JD Vance:
I hope one day Trump sues CNN.
There are women who are competent and responsible, but those are not the women that DEI hires. DEI is about what is off and odd, different in every way without regard for skills, abilities, knowledge or merit because DEI is about rubbing incompetency in your face.
Now they’re blaming Trump for an airplane crash? Duh! Trump had nothing to do with it.
If you listened to the March 23 senate questioning the idiot that Biden appointed to head the FAA, you will know where the blame is justified. The Biden puppet could not answer any questions.
The Biden’s should be sued over endangering our former “friendly skies”. I can’t believe anyone would take unqualified, less qualified individuals and hire them over “better qualified” individuals! You are dealing with a “highly stressful” job as an air traffic controller. I spent a couple of hours up in the control tower at Simmons Army Airfield at Ft Bragg, (not Liberty). What a tense, nail biting ordeal! Anyone that hired lower scoring, DEI individuals like Obama/Bidens should be sued for everything they have. When you run-off qualified people for lower class and still run the operation short of what’s needed!
Every nasty always LYING B ITCH working for MSNBC (Mentally Sick Nattering B itches Corp.) must themselves be investigated for all their lies. If found to have blatantly LIED over one hundred times in the last year they are dragged out to a firing squad for the vast damage they diid to America. How many of them do you think would receive the retributive justice?