Conservative Influencer ARRESTED By The FBI For INSANE Reason! This Is Political Persecution!



This is what the FBI does instead of protecting us from criminal aliens. Don’t you just love this country? ☺️

Is it really trespassing when the capitol police open the doors for them and escort them around the premises? She was arrested because she said something they don’t like. People need to get together and stop allowing the FBI to break into law abiding citizens homes whenever they feel like it.


  1. Corrupt FBI…Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, CATHOLIC tra1tor retired, Replaced by Bowdich, CATHOLIC TRAITOR.
    Comey, CATHOLIC tra1tor in FBI,Strzok, CATHOLIC tra1tor in FBI.
    Robert Mueller, CATHOLIC tra1tor in FBI.A lacrosse teammate and classmate at St. Paul’s School was future Massachusetts Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry.[13], CATHOLIC traitor.
    [David] Bowdich, CATHOLIC tra1tor also has ties to Mueller. He was picked by Mueller in 2011 to handle the transition to a new FBI director after Mueller’s 10-year term expired. But that role become irrelevant after Mueller, [Christopher] Wray August 2017, was confirmed as FBI Director,, [Christopher] Wray began his legal career as a clerk for Judge J. Michael Luttig [CATHOLIC traitor] of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
    Ex-FBI agent John Guandolo. Guandolo [CATHOLIC traitor] resigned from his position with the Bureau in December 2008 after he was caught engaging in a sexual relationship with a key confidential source in the midst of a corruption investigation of a Louisiana politician.
    There is not one AMERICAN on the SCOTUS. Almost all are CATHOLIC traitors. The rot is within. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.

  2. Oh, stop… Your constant concession that “she shouldn’t have gone into the building” and “it’s okay if they want to fine her for trespassing…” is pathetic. I recall numerous photos and videos of the Capitol Police letting people into the building, inviting people to enter the building, escorting people in and around it, and letting them amble about, etc. Then, at some point, someone (maybe someone in authority, maybe just some over-zealous Capitol Cop) decided the folks needed to leave and most of them did, tho’, seemingly, that fact hasn’t weighed in the Government’s consideration (as near as I can tell, Ashley Babbitt was shot while attempting to comply with such an order to vacate). That’s NOT “trespass”. That’s NOT a crime – or an infraction. Unless Ms. DeLuca can be shown to have unlawfully entered the building with criminal knowledge and intent and to have deliberately overstayed her welcome after proper notification obliging her to leave, even her presence in the building isn’t actionable – and touching a table (when, where, under what circumstances) isn’t actionable. Your constant concession that there is anything here to support any charge is at best pusillanimous. Call it for what it is – BS and quit playing footsies with the Nazis in the DoJ. This is weaponization of the law and it should be met with an equally aggressive legal counter-action, including seeking the disbarment of any government attorney who facilitated these charges (wrongful prosecution, abuse of process, etc.).

    • Well said, it’s so sad that they used this protest to subvert the truth about the election!! What’s sad is they got away with it, what’s even worse is so many intelligent Americans who still believe oh not not our government, they would never do such a thing, you need to reevaluate how you see the current administration!! They played you all!! They knew that Americans still believe that our country politicians care about the people of this country and only of themselves!!

  3. Wait for it and don’t say it can’t or won’t happen . I would not put any corrupt action taken by the corrupt FBI past them . New headline . FBI raids the homes of American citizens and arrests millions charging them with trespassing for having watched J6th video on tv. Well they can start with me. I have watched many videos of J6th on J6th of people being let in and escorted through the capitol building by capitol police . This is and has been a political hack job with the weaponized FBI being the enforcers for the DNC.

  4. The FBI trash is as crooked as the rest of the current government and needs shut down until they get an adult in charge….and those who participated in such scams under the commies jailed for treason. “I was just following orders” isn’t an excuse.

  5. That table was bought and paid for by American citizens ! That table belongs to us and we say drop the charges ass hats !


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