Crowd Roars At Tucker Carlson’s Response To This Audience Member



Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at

Well said. Snowden is not a criminal .he is a patriot for doing his duty to inform the public. Patriot act was too far reaching in it’s power


  1. The major problem in this country today is that a very, very large group of people just don’t care. As long as they don’t feel impacted by the government they could care less.

    • Very True!
      But the government is so WEAK, it really doesn’t matter.

      A government that is out of control and a public population that doesn’t care!

      Truly sad!

    • they will all wake up, right when they are being loaded up into a railroad car, for TRANSport to an internment camp. Sadly, IT will be to late. sheeople will never learn, they are the dumbest of the animal kingdom. Don’t be a victim, be a VICTOR ! buy a backbone and a set of gonads

  2. Another major problem is the stupidity of the voting public the section of the population that vote on ONLY one issue! Take you head out of the sand and understand you are affected by all policies and all laws and that you were better under a Trump admin.

    • Unfortunately there is so much HATRED for Trump, people forget about all the positives the man had, when he was in office!

      Simply look back 3.5 years and remember when Gas was under $2 a gallon, food was a whole lot cheaper, the economy was running good.

      Then covid showed up (a demonrat scheme) that took this country apart and kept President Trump out of his second term.

      Now, Americans need to get out and Vote in November! Stop listening to the Media, Stop paying attention to all the BULLSHIT Polls!

      VOTE and VOTE for President Trump 2024.

  3. Read “Tyranny of the Majority” Alexis De’Touqueville 1700’s . He wrote on how the majority can manipulate the masses, then turned around and wrote on “The Tyranny of the Minority” . Which “minority”? Think lbgqtywhatever, WOKE , Marxists , Socialists , BlM/antifas.
    If they don’t get their way , they burn property and businesses, no matter what color.
    VOTE Conservative , Vote Trump , and become educated.
    Get off your STUMP, Vote Trump , not some Rump , who is a word salad CHUMP.

    • IF anyone is reading the Bible, they would see what Jesus said and obey. The founders of America said the same thing, SEPARATE from evil. Why did we resist England’s abuses? Why did the South separate? Only a fool would gladly fund their own abusers, year after year. wise up sheeople, they (globalist) are going to kill you


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