Much like everything associated with this Democrat administration there is NO transperity. Additionally there is no Accountabilty. So hopefully within the next two to three years we may get some semblance of truth as to all the circumstances surrounding the murder and attempted murder which took lace.
There is no low that the democrats will not go to, to keep the White House and keep America on a downward spiral. Too many in this party, are corrupt and some even in the Republican party. They could not buy President Trump and that is why that they will stop at nothing to keep an America loving man out of the White House!
First of all, trump is not president. Secondly, if President Biden wanted to kill trump he was hire someone more capable to kill not pierce an ear. It would be more like trump to put up with a piercing so he could boo-hoo on the campaign trail.
I don’t believe it was a security lapse, I think it was the PLAN, no confidence in the secret service, FBI or CIA these days with the crooked democRATS in power, GOD help this USA
DAN WOULD KNOW HAVING SPENT A LARGE PORTION OF HIS LIFE DOING THIS EXACT SAM JOB. YOU WILL NEVER BE TOLD BY ANYONE WHAT DID ACTUALLY HAPPEN BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNMENT IS INVOLVED. Just linking the basic evidence, you do have shown so many holes in the security that it seems intentional. We will eventually see who was behind this and I am sure it will surprise many.
We are so quick to criticize others and yet so hard to check our own behaviors. Wish EVERYONE who write hateful and hypercritical comments will have the opportunity to govern a community or an office with very diverse backgrounds and personalities. Each one of us created by our Creator and given every opportunity we can take however, not every one is given the blessing to govern a town or more the country with inhabitants who are endowed with different backgrounds, speak different languages and bring their own culture. We have so much time to criticize others and yet we cannot control the behavior of our young people in our families because we spend more time looking at other’s faults than recognize their efforts to work for the best of the people they govern. MAY OUR GOOD LORD GIVE US THE ENLIGHTENMENT TO LOWER OUR ABILITY TO BE HYPERCRITICAL.
Much like everything associated with this Democrat administration there is NO transperity. Additionally there is no Accountabilty. So hopefully within the next two to three years we may get some semblance of truth as to all the circumstances surrounding the murder and attempted murder which took lace.
There is no low that the democrats will not go to, to keep the White House and keep America on a downward spiral. Too many in this party, are corrupt and some even in the Republican party. They could not buy President Trump and that is why that they will stop at nothing to keep an America loving man out of the White House!
First of all, trump is not president. Secondly, if President Biden wanted to kill trump he was hire someone more capable to kill not pierce an ear. It would be more like trump to put up with a piercing so he could boo-hoo on the campaign trail.
I don’t believe it was a security lapse, I think it was the PLAN, no confidence in the secret service, FBI or CIA these days with the crooked democRATS in power, GOD help this USA
DAN WOULD KNOW HAVING SPENT A LARGE PORTION OF HIS LIFE DOING THIS EXACT SAM JOB. YOU WILL NEVER BE TOLD BY ANYONE WHAT DID ACTUALLY HAPPEN BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNMENT IS INVOLVED. Just linking the basic evidence, you do have shown so many holes in the security that it seems intentional. We will eventually see who was behind this and I am sure it will surprise many.
We are so quick to criticize others and yet so hard to check our own behaviors. Wish EVERYONE who write hateful and hypercritical comments will have the opportunity to govern a community or an office with very diverse backgrounds and personalities. Each one of us created by our Creator and given every opportunity we can take however, not every one is given the blessing to govern a town or more the country with inhabitants who are endowed with different backgrounds, speak different languages and bring their own culture. We have so much time to criticize others and yet we cannot control the behavior of our young people in our families because we spend more time looking at other’s faults than recognize their efforts to work for the best of the people they govern. MAY OUR GOOD LORD GIVE US THE ENLIGHTENMENT TO LOWER OUR ABILITY TO BE HYPERCRITICAL.