Democrat FUMES Over GOP Speaker Releasing Jan 6th Tapes DECLARES They’re A National Security Threat!


In a bold move, the Republican speaker has released previously unseen footage and transcripts from the infamous January 6th Capitol breach. The Democrats, outraged by this development, are now declaring it a national security threat. The controversial decision has not only sparked fierce debates but also raises questions about the role of political parties in shaping public perceptions of key historical events.
The released tapes and transcripts cover various aspects, including communications between law enforcement agencies, White House officials, and Trump administration insiders. Many Democrats argue that releasing this sensitive information poses a significant risk to the national security interests of the United States. They fear that these recordings could compromise confidential intelligence operations or strategies currently in place against potential domestic and international threats.
Black Conservative Perspective breaks it down in the YouTube video below:


Ratskin was one of the first idiots to challenge the 2016 election for Trump calling him illegitimate president..

Every news outlet needs to apologize to people and Trump. They should also get fined or sued for lying.


  1. Ratskin is a serial, hypocritical liar with no moral fabric. He has cheated the American people of the truth of Jan. 6 th, contributed to the convictions and sentencing of protesters without providing a full picture of the events of Jan. 6 th and in the process destroying reputations, supporting extreme sentencing and ignoring the role that Pelosi, other Dems and the FBI played in this travesty to American justice. And he squeals about the release of the tapes as a threat to national security when it is Ratskin, and many others, that are the true threats to national security.

  2. The Democrats don’t want the American people to see the Truth what they staged that day or the Truth about the Virus they spread over the world to win a election.

  3. Tell me why exactly that the mostly peaceful people who were invited into the Capital building by Capital Security personnel is a threat to national security. Naming these mostly peaceful citizens as insurectionists is plainly inaccurate and misleading. This is especially true when you compare them to the leftist, read that seditionist Marxist Democrats, who some 30 odd years ago planted and set off bombs in the Republican offices wing of the Capital? Then to have President Clinton pardon the two ringleaders of the insurectionists, one of whom is a leader of what appears to be the criminal Black Lives Matter organization.

  4. Of course raskin and other democraps are pissed about the release of footage that they carefully edited out!! It just proves once again that President Trump was right!! The biden regime along with other pathological liars within the democrap party are being outed as the liars they truly are!! I’m sick of seeing biden fumble and stumble and disgrace America and Americans!! He still hasn’t had a real press conference, just his scripted questions asked by “REPORTERS” SELECTED BECAUSE THEY GO ALONG WITH THE DECEPTION BEING PUSHED BY A CORRUPT OVAL OFFICE!!
    There’s NO DOUBT the democraps deceive and tell outright lies!! It’s way past time for these corrupt da’s and corrupt judges to be held accountable!!
    As a disabled veteran I am livid and sick to death of the biden regime, he and his crooked appointees are trying to do away with our rights and freedoms, that’s NOT what I served to uphold, I served to KEEP AMERICA FREE, not to bow down to a corrupt government that wants to allow Hamas terrorists and really anyone who wants to cross the border illegally into America!! We have been told our border is secure, biden, and mayorkas lied and lied some more about how secure it was, ALL LIES, GO FIGURE!!

  5. Ratskin epitomizes a sleazy immoral Marxist Democrat. Remember him comparing Jan.6th to Pearl Harbor. He is a bigger phony than Liz Cheney if that is possible.

    He is also trying to coverup the Biden Crime Family’s corruption

  6. I saw a clip where Pelosi is hear saying that she was waiting for Trump to walk into the capital. She had already ordered the Secrets Service to arrest Trump that M/F for trespassing. I can’t repost the link but on your own look it up. Every part of the J-6 not having more police is all on Pelosi’s shoulders
    I really hope Pelosi burns in Hell

  7. gee what is wrong with providing people with the actual information instead of the fake democrat and fake media story?

    oh yeah it makes the media and democrats into criminals and liars. that is what is wrong with releasing the videos!

  8. Liars can’t stand truth, especially when they are the ones who will suffer the consequences of their actions. Sure looks like grounds to outlaw the dummycrat party. If Germany would’ve kept their ban on the Nazi party instead of lifting the ban WW2 might not have happened. Dummycrat stupidity is bringing us toward either an internal civil war or WW3 or maybe both.


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