When will we see the pic of him with Louis Farrakhan, BarracO’Kenyan and Rev Al Shoptin and Diaper-Head Teliab?
I bet they and Jamie Rat-Skin are screaming about the USAID being shutdown. Another scam with our tax-dollars being stolen over the years and money going to other players in the shell game and a chunk of the cash bouncing back to “friendly Democratisch-Marxist pockets”. Jamie, a Maryland 6 January Inquisitor with Teliab kept calling President Trump a dictator. Send them back to their states and fire/replace these inciteful lying trash. Siskin did the last wrongful Trump Impeachment. Sorry he represent’s Maryland. (Plantation votes).
HAKEEM has the brain of a idiot where do the left find these nutty people if you look at his eyes somthing is very off like deranged..slow
he is a joke his name kind of says it!1 WOKE JOKE
Really, who doses this moron think he is? where ever u want to take this, u will be slaughtered, u pathetic pos.
When will we see the pic of him with Louis Farrakhan, BarracO’Kenyan and Rev Al Shoptin and Diaper-Head Teliab?
I bet they and Jamie Rat-Skin are screaming about the USAID being shutdown. Another scam with our tax-dollars being stolen over the years and money going to other players in the shell game and a chunk of the cash bouncing back to “friendly Democratisch-Marxist pockets”. Jamie, a Maryland 6 January Inquisitor with Teliab kept calling President Trump a dictator. Send them back to their states and fire/replace these inciteful lying trash. Siskin did the last wrongful Trump Impeachment. Sorry he represent’s Maryland. (Plantation votes).
He should be arrested! Violence is not the answer.