Democrats Move To REMOVE Statue Of Liberty As They Cry RACISM In Backlash Over GOP Securing Border!



It’s so strange how the democrats want to help every other country with the security of their borders but not the US.

To remove the statue is to remove the symbol of our country. There’s a difference in legal and illegal immigration.


  1. better yet let’s just remove all the democrats out of the government
    maybe they need to read what it stands for and our country was built by these people
    and unfortunately we ended up with stupid democrats making dumb decisions

  2. My God – what next will Democrats suggest? All we hear if Trump is elected, America will lose it’s democracy. How in the world is the Statue of Libert racist? I swear Biden and Obama must be on the same medication.

  3. Democrat scum. Spawns of Satan. Between China and Soros I don’t know which is worse. Combine them both and we have HELL!! Biden gets in the White House and he brought hell with him. President Trump 2024, save us from this evil bastard.

  4. first off which race is being discriminated against at the border? people from all over the world are coming across the border.

    the racism charge is just plain lying isn’t it?

    Second the statue of liberty is about freedom not race, sex, or anything else. So I guess democrats hate freedom.

    Lets face it the left is america just does not make any sense and needs to be rounded up and put in a rendering tank. their highest best use is fertilizer

  5. Micheal Obama warned us.

    “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

    Translated: “we have to use the correct pronouns, tear down historic statues, rename schools, celebrate serial thugs, vilify our founding fathers and now, tear down the Statue of Liberty.

  6. Cucked Schumer whines about Russia, while China is buying up our farm land, businesses, Democrat Senators and occupying countries across the globe.

    Deflection, or just plain Democrat insurrection??

  7. Remove the ones that want it removed and they will not need to be concerned any longer!!!!! This crap is just getting out of hand!!!
    Just leave this country…..problem solved. They just want to sink
    the Titanic again ….what a bunch of crazies…..if you don’t like it
    leave and don’t let the door hit you in the but on your way out….
    your problem solved……


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