Did you guys notice this…?



Obama and Jill should be ASHAMED of themselves. This man should be out of office NOW.

If he isn’t fit to be reelected, why is he fit to stay in office?


  1. he doesnt run anything, that potato is just a figure head (of lettuce )

    o blow me run things for them and should be jailed for treason

  2. I think Joe was so stunned by what Trump was telling him about how MOST Americans feel about him. I think THEY keep Joe THAT uninformed and Brain-Washed.
    Everyone involved, beginning with Jill, need to be arrested for Abuse. I have a problem even watching a rat die.

  3. All that you have a problem with, I have the same problem! I also have a problem with the GOP being 80% RINO who back up to get paid, and when they were voted into government, they thought they won the lottery, because they sure in hell are not for the people, but only for themselves and what they can reap form the pockets of the people, it’s all about money. and the prove is how much money is in their bank accounts representing the true thief of the people, they are millionaires when they leave office.

  4. Very good article which made very good points! Then lying jill biden congratulated lying joe biden on a great debate! That is all the democrats and the bias media have, lies! How can anyone that can think for themselves, vote for lying biden, or help him cheat to win again? What will it take for these ignorant people to wake up and help save this Country before things get any worse?

  5. Anybody keeping track, knows how much he needs to be subjected to a “25th amendment” procedure. The primary reason that does not happen is Joe and Jill’s decision to get a “vice president” who is worse than he is. It’s called “job security”. It is possible, that same kind of thinking was the reason for Obama’s vice president pick.


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