Dr. Phil Sets CNN Host Straight As She MELTS DOWN Over Trump Calling For Indicting Jan 6th Committee



I’m really tired of watching snooty elitist CNN women conduct snooty interviews all day.

Who’s VOTING ️ TRUMP with me this election???!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️


  1. Trump said his best revenge will be his success. He has no desire for revenge. The American People will vote for him November 5. A win will be his revenge. Then he can Make America Great Again. We need him. Trump 2024 MAGA

    • Yes, a man like Trump with his record is the right man to make America “Great” again. Are you guys for real?

    • people that opposed & entrapped the POTUS and LIED to the Amerikan people need to be punished. IF we don’t have rule of law, let the real imsurrection begin. RED states need to separate from the evil empire called Amerika. Divide & conquer, death to TYRANTS again ! April 14 1865

  2. Also, the MSM especially CNN in this podcast NEVER allows their guests to fully answer before interrupting the guests which is why they do that. They don’t want the truth to be out. They end up looking like fools, or in my opinion, criminals.

  3. The liberal news channels are pathetic. President Trump didn’t say he will get revenge, he said his success would be his revenge. The left liberals twist every comment President Trump says. Do they pick apart Biden’s words? No they don’t, and there are reasons to pick apart his words because the fool can’t get anything right. Biden also plagiarized dozens of statements that he was not corrected on. It’s all forgotten about on the left’s side. I’m sick of all this shit with this incompetent fool Biden, his ass belongs in jail for treason. 3 1/2 years of his executive orders to undo all the policies that President Trump had in place just to be spiteful. Biden is vindictive and corrupt as hell, he needs to be impeached.

  4. Where does CNN dig up these ‘journalists’? Must come straight outta Harvard. Every one is disingenuous, to put it lightly. Same with MSDNC. These liars must be put out of business.


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