Elon Notices Something About Kamala Speech That You Need To Hear



Kamala is even more pathetic than Brandon.

“Not only was she not doing her job, but she was handed a promotion”

Nailed it.


  1. Try interviewing people from both sides. People that have a working knowledge about present day politics. Try the truth, not slander, not bigotry, not judgment, not gossip. You present like a bunch of isolated, ignorant people who have no idea what’s going on. Geeez, get a grip on reality.

    • As opposed to drowning in a sea of BS from the Dem’s/Lib’s, MSM, Elites, and DS folks? Hell, your ‘elected’ officials aren’t even running their own Offices, you’re being runned by the Wizard(s) behind the curtains. The proof is in the pudding, as it were. Who’s cities, towns, and States are doing better and best to live in, and raise a family, Red or Blue? You all talk a good game, but don’t do shit for anyone but faux-USA Oligarch’s.

  2. Those ladies were so right! What HAS Kamala done while in office? Nothing but draw a big paycheck! She was supposed to be the “ border czar” but did nothing to stop illegal immigration, instead, she wants open borders, all illegals given citizenship, unlimited abortion, even late term abortion. That helps no one but the demonrats!

  3. “If you think back a few years, most all of America’s issues, leading us to where we are today, started with lies. The elite owned MSM pushed the Covid lie, the laptop lie the Russian collusion lie and along with those lies, the Democratic party under the Biden administration started the war on fossil fuel. These lies allowed numerous things to happen starting with the war on fossil fuel. Gas was the only commodity that needed to be corrupted or slowed in production to affect the entire national economy. The party that caused this stress on America and the economy of the people are pushing for control of our lives. They, the Democratic party have caused the racial division and personal threat to the people through defunding law enforcement, and their devastating lack of border control. They’re trying to ignore all the disastrous problems they have created since they’re takeover of America through they’re manipulation of election integrity by the use of ballot drop boxes and mail in voting. This party wants complete control. Does this sound like they have the best interests of the people in mind?

  4. DC, I agree, but why didn’t GOP pursue and prosecute Dems promoting the lies? If people trespassing on government property with help from the Capitol Police is interfering with the government, why wasn’t knowingly using a self generated lie to keep the President from his agenda a serious crime. GOP lacks a unified approach and have no balls to call out the liars. I would ask every Dem lawmaker under oath “when did you know the Russia Russia hoax was a lie and did you make an attempt to correct the injustice?” As it resulted in the President being impeached on false evidence, it should qualify as a coup attempt.

  5. The border is NOT a mess and all the pundits need to adjust to knowing it is EXACTLY how Biden wants it! Yes they are importing voter constituents, census numbers for electoral votes and congressional districts. No one talks about the COST of this dem agenda. California alone spends 10% of it’s $315 billion budget in direct life support for illegals. Remember, a billion is a thousand millions. $30+ billion year in year out, every year, year after year takes that money from other people – our most vulnerable citizenry. You can’t have a sanctuary state and counties and cities admitting MILLIONS of impoverished immigrants very capable workers willing to work for lower wages and have abundant low cost housing supply. Can’t keep up with demand in that sector crushing supply. Cant keep indigenous population in jobs the more aggressive newcomers take with ease. Weak border security overall imports all heroin, cocaine, fentanyl and most meth, all legalized by Prop 47. Any connection here to homelessness? Human misery with 100,000+ fentanyl deaths, all the family pain and societal ruin andcrime from these drugs? We pay these costs for the dem agenda of more constituents? How do they sleep at night?

    • I agree with everything you said, except the100,000. I believe that mark was hit about two years ago.I think the real number is closer to 300,000 if they would give an accurate number. They don’t even mention the total number of deaths from all the other drugs anymore. Need to start building prisons and enforce the laws that we have right now.

  6. All the benefits of immigration occur with a LEGAL immigration system which most of us have never seen, and we need to figure out. No amount of socialism in housing, new construction, or any homeless efforts will bring any relief from high housing costs and homelessness unless reckless immigration of millions per year into the state is stopped. The dems don;t want that however 0 hust get them in by the millions and later propose a pathway to citizenship, which does need to happen simultaneously with full border control.

  7. This was the headline of an article in this newsletter: Elon Notices Something About Kamala Speech That You Need To Hear
    By United Republic News -August 4, 202474808
    I watched the whole video and not a word from Elon or Kamala’s Speech. I did not subscribe to your newsletter, not sure why I started getting it but figure I would give you an opportunity. Well, you keep posting these types of lies with headlines then nothing about the headline you are gone. You need to do better

  8. I agree with Lee. I just unsubscribed. Headlined did not match articles. They sucked me in looking to read something that was not there


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