A $400 souvenir and you may as well Sat the vast majority is going towards DJT’s campaign or his legal fees because it is poor grade Chinese trash like the vast majority of clothing and footwear.
I will not support the members of the CCP more than I am already forced to do and paying $400 for a $10 pair of shoes is just insane.
Ever remember the days when we all cheered for the standing president. Yet me either. Them day are long gone cause of the democrats corruption in our government. 2 standing president were murdered and one running for office was murdered cause they couldn’t control the one that was president. And the funny part is they were all democrats and murdered by democrats. Don’t that tell you anything
??? Nothing seems to have changed in all these years. One would of thought we would of progressed in some way but now. Looks like a stale government running things into the ground for some stupid reason of their own. And we the people get to pay for it and deal with the suffering of it. Great job dumb azz’s
I pray that we will learn to be decent in our language. We are now more inclined to demean people or use foul language as if we are not educated or has not even gone to secondary education. PEOPLE ARE GETTING PATHETIC EVEN our former president uses language not becoming of a former world leader. IT is easy to criticize but I WONDER if these people have been even a class officer in their student organizations because their language sounds like they just finished primary grades and have not used decent terms that reveals they too are idiots. May our good LORD enlighten them and learn to be a little discreet and decent.
Maga rules leftists drool.
No thinking person wants any democrats anymore.
A $400 souvenir and you may as well Sat the vast majority is going towards DJT’s campaign or his legal fees because it is poor grade Chinese trash like the vast majority of clothing and footwear.
I will not support the members of the CCP more than I am already forced to do and paying $400 for a $10 pair of shoes is just insane.
CNN is a pathetic, Lying I’m not going to call them news it’s just propaganda don’t forget Corruption and Lies is a way of life for Liberals.
yup you are correct. the first N states for nonsense. Cable nonsense network.
speaking of which does anyone have cable anymore?
Ever remember the days when we all cheered for the standing president. Yet me either. Them day are long gone cause of the democrats corruption in our government. 2 standing president were murdered and one running for office was murdered cause they couldn’t control the one that was president. And the funny part is they were all democrats and murdered by democrats. Don’t that tell you anything
??? Nothing seems to have changed in all these years. One would of thought we would of progressed in some way but now. Looks like a stale government running things into the ground for some stupid reason of their own. And we the people get to pay for it and deal with the suffering of it. Great job dumb azz’s
I pray that we will learn to be decent in our language. We are now more inclined to demean people or use foul language as if we are not educated or has not even gone to secondary education. PEOPLE ARE GETTING PATHETIC EVEN our former president uses language not becoming of a former world leader. IT is easy to criticize but I WONDER if these people have been even a class officer in their student organizations because their language sounds like they just finished primary grades and have not used decent terms that reveals they too are idiots. May our good LORD enlighten them and learn to be a little discreet and decent.
language can not kill you, but the democrats weaponization of the CIA, FBI DOJ EPA, CDC, FDA and nih can.
you need to rethink your idea there.