Fani Willis Update!!! Her Career and Entire Trump Case Is “Tainted”



I am 81 and it is hard to pull the wool over my eyes. Trump 2024.

I’m 63 and have never seen the S***show like this Trump all the way


  1. Now I am 100% sure that Joe Biden has to be committed to the funny farm. From his comment and I quote “The big news this week is two candidates clinched their parties’ nomination for president. One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other is me.” Now folks, for those who have been paying attention to the news, I could have sworn that Joe was talking about himself. The last statement should have been “The other is Donald Trump”. I sure hope Joe goes to the funny farm real soon where he can get all the rest he needs and don’t forget to put him in a wheelchair so that he doesn’t fall any further. When he has to ask his staff if he is allowed to take questions from the media, and even when he does he cannot even string along comprehensive words to answer the bloody questions, but rather mumbles thru any interview. Maybe that is because he has marbles in his mouth.

    • Rhonda Wilkerson, I totally agree with you. Jill Biden is a very selfish woman to let her husband be ridiculed by the whole world not just the USA. She claims she “adores” Joe but she only wants to flaunt being the First Lady of this country. It’s very sad indeed.

  2. Corruption and Lies is a way of life for Democrats they will do anything to keep control of us and will do anything to Steal elections.

  3. What is the Bible’s message for TODAY? The Bible answers this easily; John 3:36 The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. — Jesus has been given ALL authority; Matt 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. And Jesus is now ruling as our king; think about this; what happens to those who disobey a king? Who could give such authority to Jesus? Only Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) can do so. By-the-way, Jesus translates as “Jehovah is salvation.” If you have questions, please ask, or email ([email protected] OR [email protected]) me for answers. I can answer any question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Also, if you want to study the Bible I can direct you to a Bible study course that is free and which is done with you in person. This is the best manner to learn about Almighty God and His Holy Name in all 7,000 places it belongs in the Bible. To help you learn, please ask your teacher for a free Bible; The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. This is the most accurate Bible ever printed because it was translated AFTER 1947 when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found which had thousands of documents dating from the first century written by men who knew Jesus.

  4. Yet she’s still in the running to go against trump even tho she led under oath in a court room. Good thing no one’s above our laws … right ???

  5. It is LENTEN season and yet we are not showing any sign of giving ourselves rest from condemning people! IS this a sure sign that we have abandoned our Christian practices? It is so sad that we make judgements on many without even a minute of having a personal contact with people we criticize. WE diagnose others like they are fit for the funny farm. I hope these people have a degree in psychiatry. NO WONDER, the world is in chaos and we do not show any compassion or ability to forgive. Hope somebody will take some biblical studies before it is too late that they might lose the ability to stay few more years and try to save their souls. HOPE these hyper critical people do not live where hurricanes or tornadoes happen and in a split second they will be blown away to the place beyond! MAY OUR LORD JESUS forgive their transgressions!

  6. Well, there are some comments here about the Bidens which are also true I have to say that Willis is also tainted and is doing what she’s doing for nothing but under the table money and should be permanently in prison with said money confiscated.


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