Clayton! Back up your wife! Men! Back up your wives! Your voices are stronger than ours! Use them!
And the poor young confused indoctrinated underage girls who were coerced into having their breast tissue cut out! I hope they all sue everyone involved even their parents who enabled this horrific crime.
All of the conservative media is obsessed with porn/boobs. It is universal. Despicable.
Susan Lea, you obviously didn’t watch the video. Finally someone with a brain is standing up to this gender assaulting nonsense and saying enough. Praise God.
Glad to see this news, I have always been a jiggle watcher, And having to guess if Those were Genuine Vs doctor created was a real headache, At nearly 70, headaches can be a real serious worry, LMAO, Relax I’m a watcher, not a toucher/sniffer like pervo-joe
the AMA & Pharma want to much control and we allow it to happen
case in point C-19 jab
I totally agree one thousand percent!!! Except for a
few genetic problems our grand creator did a wonderful
job in purposing our bodies!!! Now what right do we have
in changing HIS handy-work???? So lets not mess too
much with what He has given us. OK.