Shut act blue down! Sue the hell out of them! That is clearly identity theft! Every Republican attorney general should file charges against them, and make it stick! Where did kamalaladingbat get all that money? She STOLD biden’s campaign money, and big bucks from “ uncle George” Soros! That is NOT hard to figure out!
Stay triggered, conservatives! Who cares whose name gifts are in. You better start worrying about Trump getting crushed in November and not these silly little MacGuffins you are all bent out of shape over.
We have gone down to using profanity and judgements not well documented. HOPE our children will not use us as their role models because what is always posted are accusations and profane words not appropriate for educated adults. I SURMISE that the people who write inappropriate posts do not have anything to do except to post hypercritical comments and enjoy rereading their hatred for others, shows that those who hate others hate themselves, a mirroring act. PRAYING that the HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE these unhappy people and find the right sense on how to behave like educated adults.
Shut act blue down! Sue the hell out of them! That is clearly identity theft! Every Republican attorney general should file charges against them, and make it stick! Where did kamalaladingbat get all that money? She STOLD biden’s campaign money, and big bucks from “ uncle George” Soros! That is NOT hard to figure out!
She stold it!! That’s a good one. Do you support publicly executing Kamala Harris?
Stay triggered, conservatives! Who cares whose name gifts are in. You better start worrying about Trump getting crushed in November and not these silly little MacGuffins you are all bent out of shape over.
nothing can be done, like last time, until the voter fraud becomes WIDE SPREAD
I agree
You just You keep BLOWING _ JOE !!
Only thing you’re good at
We have gone down to using profanity and judgements not well documented. HOPE our children will not use us as their role models because what is always posted are accusations and profane words not appropriate for educated adults. I SURMISE that the people who write inappropriate posts do not have anything to do except to post hypercritical comments and enjoy rereading their hatred for others, shows that those who hate others hate themselves, a mirroring act. PRAYING that the HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE these unhappy people and find the right sense on how to behave like educated adults.