Gavin Newsom’s WIFE FORCED HIM To QUIT Fox News Debate Against Ron DeSantis After Getting Spanked!


Jennifer Siebel Newsom Brings End to Heated Fox News Debate Moderated By Sean Hannity.

In a recent NBC News report, it was revealed that Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom, effectively brought an end to a contentious debate between her husband and Ron Desantis. This intervention occurred during a Fox News debate moderated by Sean Hannity, according to a source who was not affiliated with either governor.

Black Conservative Perspective discusses this in the video below:


I hope one day most people will look at abortion as an unthinkable option.

I was born in Orange County, CA in 1944 and have lived in Southern California my entire life. My family and I were lifelong Democrats. Take my non-political word for it. California, just during my lifetime, has gone from the State that people flocked to for its economy, opportunity and superb and affordable education system, to a literally failed State. it’s heartbreaking.


  1. At least she is smart enough to know Newsom was getting jis ass kicked. Newsom and his democrat death cult are too stupid to know he was getting his butt handed to him after having it cooked.

  2. Newsome run for 2024 Oh my God, our Country will look like CA cesspool. We don’t Need that. Lawless State. Strict Laws only on the good people. Higher Taxes. Another smart azz like Pelosi, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Don’t worry Pelosi will guide him.

    Look at all the people leaving CA State, because of their Agenda. They even ran out of U-Hauls people R moving out as fast as they can. Newsome was on TV asking them to come back. He is losing all the people who pay their high Taxes. Only creating more Homelessness, High Crime Rates, Open Borders, Drug In-festive Neighborhoods. The rest of the Country does Not need that.

    Newsome Supports the Democratic Admin is Normalizing Murder & Breaking the Law, this is Unacceptable.
    Kids R Growing Up in years of Lawlessness, thats becoming the baseline for what they see as Normal. Society is out of Control & so is Newsom Lies.
    Hes a Scumbag, Slick, Narcissist, Liar, Superior, Inability or Unwillingness to Recognize the Needs & Feelings of others, Conceited, Arrogant, Self-Centered, Power of others, Irritating, Ego, Insulting, A Fake, Deceitful, Obnoxious, Snarky

  3. Maybe she did or maybe he’s using her as an excuse because he knows how bad he stunk. I mean c’mon a DemonCrat is never responsible for anything. He’ll throw anyone under the bus to achieve his agenda.


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