Gen-Z Women Don’t Want Kids Getting Tattoos BUT They Can Do THIS!



The woman in the white shirt had a moment of recognition. She realized that what she’s been told, makes absolutely no sense, but she sticks by what she’s been told, knowing that it’s completely wrong.

Gen Z: A tattoo? Oh my goodness no.
Interviewer: What if your son wanted to chop off his genitals because he felt he was a girl?
Gen Z: Oh sure go right ahead, I have no right to tell him about that, he knows what he is at 5 years old.

Isn’t this the same people who said

Abortion is not murder but then said if a killer murdered a pregnant woman that person should get time for both the mother and child? Their world view is never consistent.


  1. The government’s plan to keep our youth confused and battling their parents is working wonderfully. Meanwhile Biden ,the walking corpse ,can further his idea of the “One World Order” that he and his European cronies are shoving down our throats… Democracy for everybody, as long as American taxes pay for it, right? Catch a clue, Brandon.. The entire world does not crave democracy. They each have instituted their own way of life and its served them as well as they want it to. They don’t want us or our Democracy.. Remember when, after 9-11, Bush offered massive bounty, millions for the location and movements of Osama Bin Laden? HA!!! LMAO.. What in the hell would a bunch of Bedouins, living in the desert, herding goats, know about
    ‘dollars”, or Democracy.??? Or give a shit. For generations they have inhabited the sands and know,nor want any other life, but we keep pushing the ugly American down the throats of other cultures , don’t we? I guess the new America can’t stand to see other folks satisfied , happy and at peace with the lives they have. We are the offenders here. LIVE AND F’in LET LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Children know if they were born the wrong sex, I do not care how you think or feel someone born male will never be female and vice versa.


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