Hang on! Now they’re calling you THIS if you’re AGAINST electric cars and windmills | Redacted News



Hillary Clinton said to reprogram us deplorables, I stand with Clayton+Natali they report truth and facts!

The best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis.

Patient: Does this vaccine provide immunity?
Doctor: Only for the manufacturer.

“Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured to sell weapons.” – Arundhati Roy {and now diseases are manufactured to sell vaccines}


  1. I don’t give twoshits what Mark Ruffalo and the rest of the celebutards in Hollywood think. They vomit up their opinions like the rest of America cares. Newsflash WE don’t.

  2. Ruffalo is just upset because his expensive EV is losing value faster than a used Maserati.

    Wind farms kill the whales.

    The climate changes with or without humans.

    Solar cells will never add more than 5% to the grid.

    I am not a new denial. I am a denial of man-made global warming since it was proven wrong in the 1980’s.

  3. Mark Ruffalo is in my opinion a Rufus Dufus! Wind Farms are killing Whales, and Birds throughout the world. Isin’t it funny that these Environmentalis do not realize that our change of weather is strictly done base on the Sun and the erruptions that the sun produces. NOTE: Lockheed Research Center at the Kelley Johnson Research Center in the 1970’s had developed Electric generators called “Atols”! These Atols can be placed in all bodies of water that generate electricity through waves created by the bodis of water like lakes and oceans. Wouldn’t it be nice if these environmentalist Extremist would pull their heads out of their Gluteou Maximous?

  4. anyone else think it is ironic that these climate nazi’s reject 15000 years of global warming. global warmign that has raised the temperature of the earth by 7 degrees. Yet they feel like we are the dumb ones for not believing their fantasy of man made global warming.

    I guess all the archaeologist and anthropologists are wrong. those cavemen were driving aroudn in dodge turbo diesel 4×4 3/4 ton pickups.

    Have you noticed that it is only in June, July, august, and September they talk about how hot it is? yeah summer does that.

    If the climate crazy got their way and everything was electric. what happens when it is January and we have a good cold snap and the power line break? no wood burning stove, no gas, no oil, no pellet stove, no propane. just -16 degrees.

    We have a political party, democrats, who want that for you.

    Did you know the earth cooled in the 1980’s and 1990’s. it ruined Al Gores whole bs book.

    The climate deniers are the ones who deign the earth decides for itself what happens to the climate.


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