Hawaii Supreme Court Says Spirit Of Aloha Supersedes Constitution & Second Amendment



If they aren’t going to operate under the law, they shouldn’t be able to prosecute under it.

If Hawaii’s law supersedes the second amendment of the constitution of the United States. Hawaii is no longer a state of the United States. Cut all of their federal funding. They can pay for their own stuff.


  1. Too bad we can’t do as suggested, cut them off and dump them proper.

    But within too little time China will be sniffing around, and they don’t need to be into Hawaii anymore than they already are.

  2. In my experience, Hawaiian bureaucrats and politicians do not act as if Hawaii is part of the USA. They treat mainlanders (Haoles) other than tourists like foreign enemies when it comes to business licenses, title registration, property ownership, etc.

    But that doesn’t stop them from getting all bent out of shape when you tell them to start ACTING like Americans.

  3. Simple fix. Sue everyone involved in the ruling if an individual is harmed or killed when the possession of a weapon would have stopped the aggression towards them. Remember, when you have seconds to respond to a threat, law enforcement is just minutes away. If you are lucky, they will call medical personnel in time.

  4. This should be interesting – Texas is in rebellion against the Fed’l Gov’t over the border issue (in which Texas is insisting that the Fed’l Gov’t obey and enforce its own laws while the Biden Administration is insisting that the Executive Branch can ignore its Congressionally approved duties and compel the states to cooperate with its scoff-law position) while Hawaii, whose Democrat controlled administration supports Biden on that issue, is asserting its right to also contest the Fed’l Gov’t. I don’t know if you call that “irony” or “hypocrisy” but, however you denominate it, it’s certainly inconsistent. Personally, as a long-time lawyer, I find the Hawaii Supreme Court’s resolution and “reasoning” absolutely embarrassing. That it was unanimous only makes it all the more pathetic. I wonder if it amounts to an “insurrection”? Maybe some of my fellow jurists over in Hawaii can test that theory.


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