Hollywood Is SUFFERING a Total Woke MELTDOWN!!!



Good riddance. I don't mind if Hollywood disappears.

We're fed up with movies trying to give us "The Message". Enough of the woke garbage, race swapping and brow beating. We're voting with our hard earned dollars. F Hollywood.


  1. Mostly what happened to Hollywood is greed. Then the illuminati and the Free Masons stepped in forcing the actors to do THEIR bidding. Think pedophilia, tunnels, children, spirit cooking and adrenochrome. It’s not just Hollywood either. It’s the music industry, too. Also heads of corporations. business owners, other countries presidents or heads and so on. Oligarchs like George Soros, the Who, WEF, UN, Nato and all the rest of them. Then social media joined in. Those are only some of them. None of them will be getting away with crime much longer.

  2. JUST WHAT is “WOKE”? What ARE their values/ If any.
    If “WOKENESS” equates to “provoking”, just what are they trying to “PROVOKE”? I have yet to find out what “WOKE” is , and value if any.
    My observations are; transgenderism, lbgtqwhatever, alternative lifestyles , are simply put , mental illness. No more, no less. Why so many are “coming out” is simple, EVERYONE ELSE is doing it. There is a total lack of a MORAL COMPASS to guide people. The “Bullies” are those who subscribe to “WOKENESS”.
    Hollywood. The demise of. There are so few actors , that actually can act. The amount of “Ugly” people that are called “beautiful”. this is fiction. The actual movies? With rare exceptions , are written by people who fail at life.A.I. can only get your “movie” so far and the lack of good dialogue and actors get in the way. I suggest “Hollywood” WAKE up and get a moral compass, get a strong FAITH into your lives , and stop trying to mold people into little automatons via senseless movies. I forget the “female?actors name” , but she was UGLY , and her interview was abysmally abhorrent. Devoid of intelligence or quality.

  3. Hollywood brought this on themselves. I give them ZERO sympathy!
    Wokeism and all of their other self promoting high horse agenda. They need to be humble, of which they are far from. They think so highly of themselves as to constantly promote their own brand of politics and constantly shame conservative, Christian values. Ha ha how about making movies that promote good behavior, obeying laws and the good guy wins. But then again, never mind, you’re too far gone Hollywood.

  4. I am so sad at the state that America is in. Once a proud and beautiful country that was much more accepting than now. NO ONE likes being force fed. Jesus is first in my life so no matter what they try to spoon feed me, it’s

  5. May the WOKE go Broke. Heard Hollyweed is on the brink of collapse. EXCELLENT. Left wing pukes. Some went to college , most lucky they made it out of H.S. Drunks, pedophiles drug addicts, bed hoppers, and all they do is have Gala, where thy see who can dress the sleaziest and wear the most jewelry , and tell each other how beautiful and talented they are ,usualy every 6 weeks. I would rather watch grass grow. Their movies are in the tank, Good . Worried about carbon footprint my arse. Yachts, jet planes and limo’s .Hpocritical PIA. Let them all starve.

  6. I have to laugh at these clowns calling themselves “woke. They haven’t been awake since the early 60s. They’re just blind indoctrinated children and from their behavior will remain that way.


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