HOLY MOLY! This state just FLIPPED to Toss Up!!!!!



Trump 2024
Who is with me ?

The fact that people would still be voting for Biden says a lot about America’s collective cognitive decline.


  1. What the Democrats refuse to campaign on is their POLICIES. The Democrats policies are destroying America and the American people know it. All the Democrats push, is to believe what they tell you and don’t believe your lying eyes and ears!!

    O’Biden, the Democrats, and their propaganda fake news media outlets all lie. They tell the voters that Bidenomics is a success, when our gas and groceries have doubled or tripled in price, depending on what state you live in! They also tell you that there’s no illegal immigration invasion, when we see million(s) of illegals crossing our border!!

    Another huge lie that Joe Biden stated, when asked by a reporter, is there anything you would change if you had a chance, on your withdrawal from Afghanistan? Biden’s response, I wouldn’t change a thing, the withdrawal was a success?! WTF!

    Our country will not survive another Democrat White House. The Democrats are radical leftists anti American people who hate America and the American people!

  2. the yankees, are going to vote for the sane person? The state that gave us the best Generals in the second War for Independence? Keep your eyes open. Some communist is going to put liberal kool-aid in the water system…..

  3. What the Democrats are trying to destroy, frankly, is the way the founding fathers set this nation to be. Left-think is what the Dems demand; which is antithetical to much of the U.S. Constitution’s rights guaranteed to Americans. America is now infested with harmful people and ideas from Socialist/Communist China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. They are trying very hard to destroy the fabric of true America, overrunning us with illegal immigrants, illegal drugs (including Fentanyl,) controlled-narratives about politics, censorship of good morals, force-feeding our children with perverse sexuality and “critical race-theory,” forcing harmful “vaccines” on us, incrementally disallowing our use of fossil fuels, forcing cheated elections, and more!


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