HUGE TURN on J6 narrative BUILT by Nancy Pelosi!! (IT’S OVER)



id like to see trump sue every news station and politician that claimed he’s an insurrectionist for defamation

Considering who she’s married to, The Pelosi calling someone grotesque is kinda pot/kettle.


  1. Pelosi, needs to resign and get out of town. She is no longer relevant to the community and needs to just fade away.

    She is a thief, liar, and a big cheat.

    No longer a viable person to be in any kind of business of the government.

    • Connie–well said my friend. Did you know Nancy Pelosi has NEVER worked in the private sector her whole life. She is career corrupt hack politician for 49 yrs.

      Her father was the Mayor of Baltimore, and rumored to have been in the drug importation business with Lucky Luciano.

      This drunk has blood on her hands!

      • Best to start right at the top with Joey Bribden. Who by the way isn’t strong enough to do his own fund raisers. He has to drag along the rapist and the floppy eared Kenyan. If I have to here let me tell you one more time, man what a bunch of liars, and the funny thing people donated 25 million to be lied to “Only in America” are people stupid enough to NEVER learn.


    • Pelosi and schff need to be put of trial for treason and insurrection.

      They have been calling it an insurrection for three years and now we know pelosi and schiff planned it so they are the insurrectionists.

      • Very true, it was all part of the plan to “get Trump”. Their hatred and malice knows no bounds. Their entire platform is simply to hurt Trump, nothing else matters to them. Well maybe one thing, total and absolute power and control, as in dictatorship.

      • The Entire jan 6th committee, all of the DOJ, and half of the FBI need to go to prison today.

        they have all committed treason in this corrupt Jan 6th event.

    • I saw that. schumer also did not enforce any rules against the gay sex in the committee room. He was probably a little jealous that they actually has and errection.

    • The Entire jan 6th committee, all of the DOJ, and half of the FBI need to go to prison today.

      they have all committed treason in this corrupt Jan 6th event.

    • Don’t forget the Hollywood producer they brought in the produce the evening broadcast of the hearings. I am sure they conspired on what was going in the production and what was being left out of the production. No one from the other side was allowed to participate. One sided, destruction of evidence, never allowing other side to present anything in it’s defense.

    • The Entire jan 6th committee, all of the DOJ, and half of the FBI need to go to prison today.

      they have all committed treason in this corrupt Jan 6th event.

  2. Peolosei just makea killing of over a million dollars due to inside trading. Yet, the media is still going after witch hunts against Mr.

    Trump for things taht aren’t true. Aslo the media is doig nothing against the Democrats who are 20 times more guilty of crimes commited.

    We the American people need to stand up against our corrupt government (the elitist and the deep state, as well as the FBI and CIA upper management who are threatenng anyone who disagrrees with them.

    • The Entire jan 6th committee, all of the DOJ, and half of the FBI need to go to prison today.

      they have all committed treason in this corrupt Jan 6th event.

  3. Nancy Pelosi calling anyone else grotesque is hilarious. She, and her husband, are alcoholics who hired David, a illegal alien canada to have sex with them repeatedly.

    Nancy Pelosi cares so little about america that her introduction of a trillion dollar, negatively life change bill was: “you’ll just have to vote for it to see what is in it”. How about we just read it first Nancy!

    The day Nancy die swill be a great day for american. just like the day feinstein died was.

  4. We are so quick to make judgements on others and yet we cannot see our own faults. I THINK WE NEED to sit down and introspect if we are also sinners. Families have broken up due to politics that is not a primary need for harmony in our communities. We try to adore people who says I AM VERY RICH AND YET NOW CANNOT PAY HIS PENALTIES BECAUSE HIS BILLIONS ARE UP IN THE AIR.WILL PRAY THAT people who pretend that they are billionaires and yet not true will realize that lies will stay long unchecked. MAY GOD FORGIVE THOSE WHO LIE!

    • Your not to bright are you. nope you are not. Let me guess: Episcopalian, low iq, and a democrats. I am right aren’t I

      • it is ok to judge me as not bright with low IQ, was a dean of a college of NURSING when I 36 YEARS OLD, nurse educator in NYC and finally Las Vegas, until I retired. Attended school at the UNIVERSITY OF PENN and sat in one of the classrooms of Wharton College where Trump presumably took his MBA. I am a devout Roman Catholic, given a good recommendation by the Archbishop of Washington DC for my work at the St. Matthews Cathedral. Thanks for your comment, Ray Doyle, may God clear your mind with bigotry. ONLY less educated people make unwarranted comments/judgements on others. PRAYING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT YOU WILL LEARN SOME GOOD IDEAS TO PRINT!

    • So you have the virus ,and hatred for Trump , shame on you, but its ok with diaper pedophile joe, baby killing at birth, who took showers with teen daughter, how many queers, mental midgets has this sob hired, so he is all in for the mutilations of adolescents , and i could go on but dont wont to tire your b b brain .

    • You are one sick perverted puppy, a sick demented democrat, good for a whole lot of evil, persecution to the max, mutilation of children and killing babies, the world is on fire due to pedophile demented old evil biden that has sold the USA out.

  5. Yet allowing that tyrannical foreign enemy faux emperor “Butt Pirate Bathhouse Barry the Osamanator” have possession of the Nuclear missile launch codes is fine.
    Any data source that spreads lies or propaganda as we have just heard ant and all the participants should be publically executed by having their heads separated from their shoulders in a Guillotine for influencing the minds of the masses who have no grasp of or footing on our plane of existence due to being afflicted with the symptoms of such an intense form of psychosis that there is no medical treatment or cure for their mental illness.
    Only completely out of touch with reality would believe anything they hear from those within the MSM.
    Nancy Pelosi displays symptoms of Dementia approaching those of Joe Biden.

  6. Can’t get upset over this corrupt criminal as we all know she will never end up in jail. She will never be charged with criminal behavior. She will never be held accountable for her treasonous ways. All of our government is as corrupt as sin. The only way to change things is to have a true leader who will end this corruption and expose them for what they are.

  7. Looks that way Mabel…..also a few other comments are right on seems..
    She continues to be a legend in her own mind……and her district I
    understand is trashy…..

  8. And as it stands right now the people who were at the Capitol on Jan 6th are still locked up, most of them were only walking around with Trump flags or banners, others did enter the Capitol ( the Capitol police let them in I might add ) as the video shows them walking through. The “so called” damage Piglousy is saying was from the protestors, I say it was from people or FBI hired by Piglousy to do these acts of violence. It was planned all along, the election was rigged and Piglousy was the head leader of it all. She’s been corrupt her whole life, came from a corrupt family. She should be indicted and prosecuted thrown in the slammer for planning this whole insurrection. Yes SHE planned this insurrection and turned it around to blame President Trump. What a scum sucking bitch! When she meets her demise I hope she suffers in the most horrible way, and then may she burn in hell for eternity. The patriots who are still locked up should be released IMMEDIATELY!!


  10. Maybe If she stayed home and payed attention to her gay drunk husband. Maybe her life wouldn’t be so evil and corrupt. She’s the hole damn reason for the hole BS story of the j 6th. She really though she could use this to stop Trump. Don’t she know you can’t stop the Teflon Don with lies like this. She’s not smart enough to come up with any kind of really plan. One can only hope trump steps real hard on her neck when he’s back in office and all the other corrupt democrat party members that helped her set this and all the other lies up. “It time”

  11. Time to use the 30,000 guillotines that are in the Affordable Care Act that Obama wanted. Read it for yourself. Why on GOD’S green earth would he do that!?
    What else?
    Maybe the old SEAHAG Nancy will be the 1st

  12. If this broom jockey would just get out of this country fly it across the
    ocean to China and hook on to a sweat shop for the rest of her days,
    it would be to good for her……total disgrace ….and how dare her try
    to frame Trump with something she, daughter film crew created
    amoung other garbage….ole prune face…she should never be allowed
    inside any government bldg. Never had a real job outside the Congress.
    So high and mighty she thinks…..go away and STAY!!!

  13. I feel so bad that all your comments are showing your anger that cannot be contained. I hope and pray that your souls will be cleansed from hatred and condemnation on people whom you have not the chance of working with them let alone talking with them in person.All the words everyone use are very symptoms that you are so unhappy with your lives. MAY God bless us all and learn to live in harmony with others and be cleansed from the continuing erosion of your spiritiual lives!

      • Hate what is bad — O you who love Jehovah, hate what is bad.—Ps. 97:10. The Bible reveals that Jehovah hates “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” (Prov. 6:16, 17) He also “detests violent and deceptive people.” (Ps. 5:6) Jehovah hates these attitudes and actions so much that he wiped out all the wicked in Noah’s day because they had filled the earth with violence. (Gen. 6:13) Also, through the prophet Malachi, Jehovah said that He hates those who treacherously scheme to divorce their innocent marriage partner. God rejects their worship and will call them to account for their conduct. (Mal. 2:13-16; Heb. 13:4) Jehovah wants us to “abhor what is wicked.” (Rom. 12:9) The word “abhor” describes a strong emotional response; it means to hate something intensely, to be disgusted by it. Therefore, even the thought of doing something that Jehovah says is bad should be repulsive to us. And if it is NOT repulsive to you, beware! The end of this satanic system is fast approaching, and this system of things ruled by Satan will end at Armageddon and just as the wicked were destroyed in Noah’s Day, so will those who refuse to obey Jesus (our now ruling king) will also be destroyed. NOTE!! WHO ACTUALLY RULES THE EARTH??? Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” If you have questions, please ask, or email me at [email protected]. I can also give you directions to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient to you. If you have questions about the Bible, I can answer them. Any help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible.

  14. At 86, I am a retired university administrator/Economics professor.
    36 years, over 15,000 students and over
    500 MBA graduate students. Highly educated, 3 BA’s, MBA, PHD. and for
    IMMUITY’S sake, 57 years as an
    ORDAINED CLERGYMAN. Theologically speaking, your theology reeks of SELF-
    RIGHTEOUSNESS and seems shaped by your political views. In the ECONOMICS
    profession there is a widespread disdain
    and distrust of POLITICIANS, primarily
    because of their ECONOMIC ILLITERACY
    and a disease called SELF-SERVING.
    Biden has done more damage to
    America both Economically and
    Morally than any president in history.
    We are on the verge of an ECONOMIC
    DEPRESSION. OBAMA was a smooih
    talker and Economically illiterate. Both
    men suffer from a common problem in the world of politics of both parties. TOO
    politicians live in a “bubble of self-service
    and self-enrichment”. NOT PUBLIC
    SUCH CORRUPTION! By the way, together with the teacher’s unions, Obama quietly laid the groundwork
    for the DESTRUCTION of the PUBLIC
    SCHOOLS which are now DESTROYING
    AMERICA’s children.

    • Well said professor well said. She is a criminal in the greatest sense of the word. I believe her and her husband have benefitted in a great deal with all of their backroom deals with China and Russia and the Ukraine.

  15. Her cultist followers will always want her around. If they could, they would try to get her back in power. I wish they could just move on. Seeing her at JB-46’s State of the Union Address (election speech) made me wonder why?

  16. I SALUTE to the Economics professor, Dr. Schultze, 86 years old and I am almost there. We differ with our professional experience, myself a dean of a college of nursing when I was close to 36 years old. Been a nurse educator in NYC, NURSE MANAGER IN CA,then nurse educator in LV, DIRECTED A SCHOOL FOR CAREGIVERS after retirement. Got a NYS GOVERNOR’S AWARD for community work, awarded the Excellence in POROFESSIONAL NURSING and given a nice commendation from the Archbishop of DC when I got married in NYC. i do not make derogatory statements about people I have never made personal contacts or attended their political events. I attended one congressiional session in the Capitol with the invitation from the White HOUSE. I was a silent observer. I know there are many journalistic comments that sometimes destroy the reputation of others but I DO not usually take them wholeheartedly but again a silent observer. I JUST READ THE ARTICLE about the confession of BARRON, IVANKA and MELANIA OF TRUMP. IT is mentioned that our former president has body odor which is one of the symptoms of diminished mental capacity. I am not a psychiatrist but I HAVE EXPERIENCES WITH PEOPLE who have mental decline due to various experiences and anxiety provoking events that they have been exposed to. I DO NOT CARRY vengeance nor resentments against people who have in a way crossed me but I PRAY FOR THEM. i wish my prayers for conversion will be heard and might give me one step to heaven. i am imploring God’s blessings that one day we will experience peace with ourselves and others.

  17. The Entire jan 6th committee, all of the DOJ, and half of the FBI need to go to prison today.

    they have all committed treason in this corrupt Jan 6th event.

  18. Besides Bribden she is probably the most corrupt lying politician EVER! When they saluted her at the end of her tyranny act in Congress and people were applauding, I had to quit watching because of knowing what type of person she really is. That skank is a very bad person even her daughter said she though her mom would kill them if they pi$$ed her off. She is the elderly version of Hillary. When she dies, I am sure they will have to screw her a$$ in the ground to bury her.

  19. BAD NEWS for all us who are involved with profanity. LENTEN SEASON is time for reconciliation! LET US pray for one another and stop feeling angry with others with whom we have not experienced a real personal interaction with people we hate. HATRED when not treated causes anybody’s blood pressure to rise, so beware we might end up having a stroke!

    • Immunity, I don’t have to have a personal interaction with the likes of Piglousy, Clintons, Obama’s, Schumer, Schiff, Newsom, Maxine Waters, and the list goes on. I should have just said ALL of the corrupt liberal leftists but I’m sure you get my drift. These disgusting, hateful politicians have no shame, no integrity, no morals, no respect, no compassion for anyone who doesn’t agree with their beliefs. As far as I’m concerned they are not worthy to exist in our country. They have not one ounce of patriotism for the USA. This country has been a wonderful place for these people but they don’t respect it the way they should. Liberals want to take over and make sure that this country is destroyed. They have Soros’s money to fund their missions and in return Soros wants a One World Order. Do you have any idea what that means or are you so wrapped up in telling people not to be angry and for them not to use vulgarity to express how they feel. And as far as people not being happy with their lives maybe when jerkoffs like these liberal idiots go to hell for the way they treat decent people then we can have some happiness. I was taught you treat people as you would like to be treated. If you cross me, be prepared to be crossed back!

  20. Thanks for spending few minutes of your precious time to express all your thoughts and feelings that bother you. It is a great way of catharsis but the profanity used to describe others is sort of disgraceful. MAY GOD CLEAR our minds with hatred and bigotry. HAPPY EASTER everyone!


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