I Don’t Care What These Blue-Haired Freaks Say!’ Mark Robinson WINS North Carolina!!!



My skin is white and I voted for Mark. This race baiting crap doesn’t work down here in North Carolina. TRUMP 24 !!!

I am an elderly white “racist” Southern woman who had the absolute honor of voting for Mark Robinson in Tuesday’s primary!


  1. Joy Reid is one of the MOST EVIL perverted race baiting nasty _itch es on the planet, anyone listening to her is brain dead mentally ill themselves!!

    • I agree with you. Joyless Reid and her mother Joy Bahar are the worst race baiters in the world. Neither woman deserves to smear my television with their crap they spread. neither really deserve to take up TV time anywhere.

  2. I’m an old White guy who’s not a Racist, I despise ignorant Black Brown Yellow Red & White people equally. I voted for the Honorable Mark Robinson and he will be North Carolina’s next Governor, praise the Lord.

  3. I think this current generation is dominated by evil. The lady senator from Alabama spoke about a girl who was raped during this current administration only to be found out that it happened in MEXICO before our current president was even elected president. Our former president criticized and mimicked our current president for his stutters that it was not fault. any person criticizing people with physical deficits are so deplorable and narrow minded. I am a health care provider and never criticize people with physical deficits because it is not the person’s fault. Our former president spoke on TV that he never met the lady who accused him of rape and yet applied for bond for his penalty and another case coming up regarding two porn whom he paid to let them keep quiet. Do we have decency adoring a leader of a country who indulges on these kinds of behavior? May our GOOD LORD enlighten these people and praying that people who are hypercritical will one day make amends for what they have done. IF I can save one sinner, it might give me one step to heaven!


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