bucket? I thought you wanted to throw a bucket of water on the witch, so she would melt. Been wanting someone to do it to Hitlery Rotten Clinton for years….
How in the hell can a party be so narcissistic minded as the democrat group is. Republicans are 100% wrong, don’t know anything, must be controlled by the blue side. They scream, rant, pull their hair out, lose mental control, want to attack if someone walks by wearing a MAGA hat. What has happened with their minds. They’ve harassed Trump 4 years while he was in office with constant threats of impeachment and everything else they have been able to dredge up. Yet thru it all he did a superior job in comparison to Bidens unmolested term, not to exclude mentioning swelling his bank accounts. Now they’re at it again, causing havoc and mayhem, showing no values of fairness, and constant disrespect. The democrat party really needs to be dissolved and a more respectable party installed. They carry disgust to a whole new depth.
The left liberals are trying to convince everyone that it’s all in your head that our country is in trouble, but we all aren’t stupid. We can see and we can hear what these leftist politicians are doing. They are steering us into a One World Order, also known as Reset. Under the leftist policies we all live under their control, they will have full power and access to our bank accounts to which we won’t be able to get our money, we will be forced to live under their laws and that means we can’t even vote. They will tell us what we can have what we can afford and what we need. If we wanted to go on vacation they tell us if we can and where we can. Can you imagine how we would be if they had that power and control? Our lives would be ruined, we would have no choice but to live in fear. Liberal lefties are not going to change anything for us they are all in it for themselves. The greed and corruption is what they live for and their greed is what makes them feel superior.
That woman is nuts. I’ve never seen so many black people talk about voting for a Republican. The economy is crushing everyone and for this administration to tell us, things are just great, is a slap in the face. People of all races can relate to how much more things cost, since 2021.
Dang, where’s that bucket? I think I’m going to be sick!
bucket? I thought you wanted to throw a bucket of water on the witch, so she would melt. Been wanting someone to do it to Hitlery Rotten Clinton for years….
Typical stupid black.
How in the hell can a party be so narcissistic minded as the democrat group is. Republicans are 100% wrong, don’t know anything, must be controlled by the blue side. They scream, rant, pull their hair out, lose mental control, want to attack if someone walks by wearing a MAGA hat. What has happened with their minds. They’ve harassed Trump 4 years while he was in office with constant threats of impeachment and everything else they have been able to dredge up. Yet thru it all he did a superior job in comparison to Bidens unmolested term, not to exclude mentioning swelling his bank accounts. Now they’re at it again, causing havoc and mayhem, showing no values of fairness, and constant disrespect. The democrat party really needs to be dissolved and a more respectable party installed. They carry disgust to a whole new depth.
The left liberals are trying to convince everyone that it’s all in your head that our country is in trouble, but we all aren’t stupid. We can see and we can hear what these leftist politicians are doing. They are steering us into a One World Order, also known as Reset. Under the leftist policies we all live under their control, they will have full power and access to our bank accounts to which we won’t be able to get our money, we will be forced to live under their laws and that means we can’t even vote. They will tell us what we can have what we can afford and what we need. If we wanted to go on vacation they tell us if we can and where we can. Can you imagine how we would be if they had that power and control? Our lives would be ruined, we would have no choice but to live in fear. Liberal lefties are not going to change anything for us they are all in it for themselves. The greed and corruption is what they live for and their greed is what makes them feel superior.
out with this administration and their dangerous policies ,,, vote RED RED RED .
That woman is nuts. I’ve never seen so many black people talk about voting for a Republican. The economy is crushing everyone and for this administration to tell us, things are just great, is a slap in the face. People of all races can relate to how much more things cost, since 2021.
you are correct .. vote RED