Illegal Alien’s Epic Meltdown Over Deportations is Hilarious



This country owes these people nothing. Absolutely NOTHING!

No need to rip families apart “families can be deported together.”


  1. Yes, because you need to stay in your country and make your own life, not here where we hand it to you on a silver platter with freebies out the ass.. GO AWAY… fast. Get out. and take your anchor babies with you. We can’t and wont take care of our own, and here YOU are… Get the fk out…

    • There is a legal way to enter the US and to apply for citizenship or a visa. First, you have to stand in line behind those who came before you. You have to be vetted and if you pass the vetting – no criminal record, there’s a process you need to go through. You need to prove self-sufficiency so you’re not a burden on society. You used to have to be proficient in English (reading, writing, speaking) – that needs to be reinstated. You need to pass a test on the US Constitution – I’m not sure if that’s still in place, but it needs to be (as it should be a requirement in our education system again for American students). If approved to apply for citizenship, you must also pledge allegiance to OUR flag! That’s a start for now. I’m sure there was way more rules. You can’t just step over a line and say, “Ta-da! I’m a US citizen.”

  2. Hey Miss, President Trump is just following our laws. You must come here legally. You can’t just cross the border into the USA. We have laws you must abide to. Come the proper way and follow our laws.

  3. I wonder how their home countries treat people who illegally enter their countries? I bet that they don’t give them the benefits that we give these people who illegally break in to our country?

  4. we’re rein your life, what are you doing to us, our children and our childrens children
    go back to where you came from it’s not a free ride anymore, and you have a problem, go back home,

  5. First off this twit illegal is having a meltdown because her illegal ass is being deported, and whose fault is that shithead? YOU came here ILLEGALLY and now that we have a president that is putting our country first YOU are throwing a tantrum over it! YOU ARE TO BLAME! Not our president. You screaming he’s a felon, who the hell do you think you are? You are not wanted here in our country because the reason you came was because you wanted freebies, Biden gave you permission to come here but we the people didn’t. Biden wouldn’t be helping you but all of average citizens would be putting our hard earned money to support you damn people who wants everything for free… Housing, medical, spending money, children going to school, college. We work for what we have we don’t need to care for illegals too. So shut your ugly trap and go back to wherever you came from!!! Good riddance, DON’T COME BACK, AMERICA DOESN’T WANT ANY OF YOU!


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