Smoke and mirrors. Big media and the DNC are trying to deflect attention away from the important things that are happening in Washington. It doesn’t work anymore.
I’ve been pretty much non-committal about Aniston as I never watched Friends when it was in it’s prime nor followed her. I don’t like or trust Obama since he was our president for 8 years. If the two of them want to screw around – I don’t care! They are non relevant in my opinion.
Smoke and mirrors. Big media and the DNC are trying to deflect attention away from the important things that are happening in Washington. It doesn’t work anymore.
Totally untrue! Anniston’s the wrong gender!
And Barack is known as ‘Bath House Barry’ for no reason.
Who gives a crap. They can go to Kenya together.
Jennifer and Barrack 4ever just jr. High romance.
It does make sense. Given a choice between hyena/linebacker hybrid Michelle, and aging but still nubile Jennifer…..I think we’d all prefer the latter.
I’ve been pretty much non-committal about Aniston as I never watched Friends when it was in it’s prime nor followed her. I don’t like or trust Obama since he was our president for 8 years. If the two of them want to screw around – I don’t care! They are non relevant in my opinion.
I always thought Aniston was classier than this.
This is just one person removed from shacking with Big Mike, you know?