Those sluts on the View always joke about killing Trump but when someone jokes about killing stupid old senile poopypants Joe they want to send in a swat team with orders shoot to kill at that person. If someone did kill shit smelling Joe, it would be “justifiable homicide.”
Karen Johnson getting her rayceeest panties in a wad because of a black man (Tim Scott) supporting a conservative and worse it’s Trump. Short of calling him an Uncle Tom she could barely contain herself. What the other harpies don’t get, Karen Johnson would NEVER be their friend because they are the wrong color!
Those sluts on the View always joke about killing Trump but when someone jokes about killing stupid old senile poopypants Joe they want to send in a swat team with orders shoot to kill at that person. If someone did kill shit smelling Joe, it would be “justifiable homicide.”
Karen Johnson getting her rayceeest panties in a wad because of a black man (Tim Scott) supporting a conservative and worse it’s Trump. Short of calling him an Uncle Tom she could barely contain herself. What the other harpies don’t get, Karen Johnson would NEVER be their friend because they are the wrong color!