Judge McAfee SMACKDOWN of DA Fani Willis



McAfee needs to be taken off the case. He’s too worried about getting elected again so he’s playing it both ways

I’ve been praying for president trump. I’m so sick over this NY thing. These attacks are real and are destroying lives. Someone has to put an end to this. Justice Roberts should be ashamed of himself by putting Navarro in jail and Hunter walks free. Talk about a miscarriage of justice.. I’m disgusted with our justice system.



  1. I’m so tired of hearing trumps name. Who would anyone want a person who incites riots and talks about getting revenge on his first day in office if he’s elected ??? That an evil mind and you think he cares about people in this country? He only cares for himself and wants his supporters to pay his legal fees. I wish I never had to hear him name again

    • I’m glad that you feel that way, because his name will continue to be out there, and even more so as he wins one case after another.

    • Honey you should do some research and compare their records before speaking. Biden is working to cut 40 hr weeks to 30 hrs a week. Illegals are murdering American citizens and not being held responsible. Biden sold our energy independence to China among other countries. Put thousands of Americans out of work. Food prices tripled under Biden. Our borders are being flooded for votes. January 6 was not an insurrection. Our constitution guarantees our right to peacefully and patrioticly protest. Listen to what Trump really said. Trump wanted to send in the guard but palosi had other plans. She refused because it wouldn’t fit the narrative of an insurrection. PEACEFULLY and Patrioticly does not an insurrection make. Please look at the facts.

      • Ar you serious Kate? You want a democrat to look at facts? Looking is not the problem understanding and accepting are. We need a leadership not a dictatorship like we have now. Thank you for your post.

      • Hi Kate Spurlock,
        I must say that you are the voice of reason,while everyone is trying to CONDEM this president who has been through the wringer. I believe he’s innocent And I’m a big fan of Trump but he didn’t throw Americans under the bus. The only reason the Democrats are trying to jail him is so Biden can SINK our country and win the election in November.which I think is deceitful and corrupt. Whoever thinks Biden is Great president and is making America a wonderful place to be, you need to look harder at the facts he is looking out for himself not the American people.SORRY FOR THE LONG WRITING.BUT TANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO WHAT I THINK ????????

    • Sounds like someone has been watching the liberal mainstream media that has been weaponized and used against our rightful President Trump. You might consider doing some independent research, instead of being spoon fed lies. President Trump will once again be in office 2024. And our country will be all the better for it.

    • Well, we all know what news networks you watch!!!! WAKE UP !!!! You can’t be that ignorant….can’t you see the the lies and corruption from all the Democrat owned and controlled, so called news networks ??? We had 4 great years while Trump was our President…..We were safe in our cities…there was NO inflation…our country was not being invaded by illegals….using OUR TAX dollars to live in our country, for free !!! The list goes on and on !!!I want Trump back in the WHITE HOUSE….And if you had an ounce of intelligence, you would too !!!!

    • TDS does not look good on you. It implies your close minded hating
      brain was easy to be manipulated by the deep state. They got you to believe their false hoods. How sad.

    • Sheila Sizemore, Got News for YOU, we are sick of hearing the name BIDEN ever since he put his corrupt self in the spot light. Biden has done nothing but executive order everything that was necessary to keep our country safe. His first day in office was a complete disaster and it is spiraling down ever since. BIDEN is the one who doesn’t care for this country or anyone but himself and his family. This unpatriotic scum bucket should be hung by his balls. Biden is the most disgusting, corrupt, disastrous politician to ever hold office. Biden is owned by our enemies THAT is the truth!! And if you think Biden is for you, you better get your eye sight and your hearing checked because he will have you eliminated as fast as look at you!

      • Absolutely TRUE !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!! I believe the NOV. 2024 election is our last chance to win back our great country….if we lose, we will lose everything, including all our freedoms….

    • TRUMP IS AN AMERICAN HERO !!!! WE NEED MORE MEN LIKE HIM IN THIS COUNTRY !!!!! I have voted for him twice and I will be proud to vote for him again !!!

  2. She Is One Of Those That Voted For Biden And Now We Can See Where We At I Hope Once Trump Is Elected He Goes After Biden For Classified Documents And Send Him To Prison Cause Had No Right To Them, And Starts Sueing All Of These Clowns With These Indictments Cases NY And Georgia For Sure

  3. Theses Liberals must like high gas prices and high food prices and illegals and wars and that is just some of the things Biden and his administration is doing to totally destroying America.

  4. Now, if there was ever a way to even things up in the mainstream media a bit, everyone in America would at least get to see both sides of things. With most of the media being far left and the DOJ and other agencies weaponized, this is hardly the country that our fathers fought for! I consider this November to be a make or break situation for America!

  5. A list of Joe’s accomplishments. 1. Destruction of our energy. 2. Destruction of our parental authority. 3. Destruction of our legal immigration process. 4. Destruction of our civil liberty. 5. Attempted destruction of our Bill Of Rights. And the list goes on. I do believe that Joe has set a new record for executive orders that reversed existing ones, and not a single one that helps the average working class Americans. Time for him to leave. He’s only tossed out bread crumbs to the outliers!!!

  6. Sheila, in your life’and education journey,
    did you ever hear and learn about engaging in Critical Thinking or Rational Analysis and thorough Fact-Checking BEFORE “running the mouth”?
    By not using the brain before the mouth,
    one becomes infected with “diarrhea of
    the mouth and constipation of the brain.”
    I am 86, highly educated and experienced
    from 36 years as a university administrator/Economics professor. The
    most rewarding aspect was watching
    over 15,000 under grads and over 500
    MBA graduate students acquire and use
    Critical Thinking skills.
    The comments you offered sounded like
    the collection of retarded drivel which
    emanates from CNN, MSNBC, the
    Washington Post or the New York Times,
    not speeches, has made life better, safer,
    less costly for tax-paying, law-abiding
    American citizens? Illegal immigrants
    have been treated far better than citizens

    • You are so right Richard. He has also spit in the face of every veteran who has served this country, put their life on the line to defend the constitution and freedom. I am proud to say I am a disabled veteran who served in the naval air. Biden dose not care if many of us are living on the streets with no help as long as he can give everything to ILLEGALS.

    • Nice endorsement.
      I don’t agree with everything you said. But Trump is definitely a better candidate than Biden in 2024. Let’s make a change in the white house but also challenge when Trump administration when he does something not allowed under the constitution. Trump can’t become an autocrat.

  7. Tired of hearing how we have to pass legislation to stop illegals & nothing works but then neither does congress. What works ?a tiny piece of lead when they reach the 1/2 way point in the River.

  8. Joe was right about the little piece of led.
    They broke our Laws when the UN Lawfully came across our borders they should have received that little piece of led from our Soldiers
    right then!

  9. Forget the name Trump and just think about the facts. The Govt has put this man through hell, I thank god for people like him that stand up for whats right. If not for people standing up, we would not have any liberties, or at least fewer. As far as the so called Insurrection, it was advertised for days and days. Is that an insurrection? If you know they are coming to protest, shouldnt there have been more capital police there? Come on People, please open your eyes, dont just watch the same news channel, do some research, read before your next.

    • You hit the nail on the head and I say good for you EVERYONE HAS TO GET OFF CLOUD ☁️ 9
      AND OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE JUST like you said Joe Citizen ????️????️????????️????️????????️????️????

  10. They now have proof that Trump didn’t cause a insurrection! Pelosi the mayor and FBI were the instigators of it. Hopefully their day will come!

  11. The Dems never pay for their illegal and treasonous actions…look at Hillary Clinton…she is pure evil….you don’t see her being charged with any crimes….and you never will !!!!

  12. The u.s.has the best military in the world and you think that we were ggoing to overthrow our government jan 6th without a weapon .no weapons charges on any insurrectionist.it ws all a setup by the democrats and a few rinos .trump 2024


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