Julia Banderas: ‘This is backfiring big time’



The fact that any approve of Biden is uterrly disturbing.

I am an American of Mexican descent who legally immigrated to the US. My journey to legally enter the US and become a proud citizen was very long. People like me hate illegal immigration the most because it hurts us and our families the most. That is one of the many reasons why Joe Biden is losing our votes.


  1. Well, Julia, I agree totally. You did it the right way for which I accept. Illegals are criminals and the government that allowed it are aiding and abetting the criminals. The sad t hi ng is nothing’s being done to the A&B criminals.

  2. Biden is to old and to week. The Democratic party put Biden in power
    It’s not just Biden it’s the entire party that are promoting the Biden hate
    all under the Democratic party controller Obama Wake up

  3. Remember when stupid old senile poopypants Joe said “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.” Translation: “Know your place or I’ll have to KKK put you in your place.” High fuel prices which caused high prices on everything else is Joe’s Bidenomics. Clean energy that produces little for the time and effort and expense put into it is Joe’s answer to his causing high energy prices. And then there’s the complaining about Israel’s war causing civilian casualties. Notice the dummycrats had no problem firing bombing German and Japanese Cities during World War 2 which the civilians got hurt a lot more than the militaries of those 2 countries. And now the dummycrats are actually supporting the ideas Hitler had about the Jews. The dummycrat party is the ultimate hypocrisy party.

  4. Every time i see anything news it reminds me have just how stupid the left in america is.

    You would think they would be embarrassed but they seem too gargantuan to get embarrassed.

  5. America is headed for a neo revolution. The democrats have become marxists and the left is following right alone. They have no problem with fascism because they’re too ignorant to understand what they’re going along with. America won’t fall to foreign actors, it will fall from sheer stupidity.


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