Kamala Harris FOLDS LIKE A WET PAPER BAG After Trump Challenges Her To Fox News Debate!



Vote Trump.
Our Indians dont pretend to be black.
Just ask Vivek Ramaswarmy

They’re talking about Trump as if he was Biden, these chick’s are utterly ridiculous.


    • I agree with both you and Mike. The Demonrats are trying to put another dummy in charge when we KNOW they’re all dummy commies.

  1. Trump will mop the floor with cackling Kammy in any debate, and she knows it. That’s why she doesn’t want to debate him. She’s a twit and an airhead. Her choices for VP are all bad. It’s a matter of which one is worse.

  2. 6 comments on this video so far, by this great, young black political commentator, and all 6 comments (as of 1004am, tue morn, 8/6/24), are ripping Cowardly Kamala, to shreds! Well, what do you expect from ordinary people’s reactions to combined Dem Party & lib media bullsh*t?!? Most Americans are tired of FAILED Dem lib policies…it is so bad that even many blacks, former staunch supporters of Dem lib policies, are turning against the lib Dems! And now, because they have picked a woman, of foreign ancestry (25% Irish, 75% Indian, 0% African-American, by the way, yet lying lib media keeps calling her “black”, to try to get the black vote…), they suddenly think that most Americans will embrace their failed policies and disasters, worldwide, huh? Would you? I’m sorry, but the Democratic Party STINKS to high heaven, no matter WHO they put up front, as their figurehead/mouthpiece!

  3. Democrats tell one lie after the next and then have the unmitigated nerve to think that ordinary working Americans are dumb enough to believe them……THINK AGAIN DEMS!!…..We’re not as unbelievably STUPID as YOU ARE!!

  4. Yes, she is telling us what she believes. She is a Communist/Marxist. She wants to take our guns. She wants to elevate strange sexual behavior, and further push young people into sex change surgeries and drugs. She believes in reparations. She thinks everyone should have the same things even if they wont work. In other words, she wants everyone to be equally poor, and dependent on government handouts. These are just a few of her beliefs. She panders to what ever group she is talking to; changing accents when in the south, and even having a darker spray tan when she is talking with black women. She is more dangerous than Obama, and Biden. Our country is in deep trouble, and if she gets in, she will finish the job of destroying the country. She says everything with a big smile and liberals will fall for her.

  5. Harris wants your money and your vote but don’t ask her what she has done as VP or what she will do for our country as our leader. She will use her word salad shit to make people think she is intelligent but it doesn’t mean a hill of beans. Our country needs a strong and honest leader to be elected as our president not a game playing dictator who will destroy the rest of our country. Harris and her party will never be for the USA they are all backed by Soros and other billionaires who want a One World Order.

  6. We have become people who are so inhuman and lack the virtues of humility. We criticize others as if we are all intellectuals however the word that are printed show the lack of common sense or more on the lack of the right virtues or may be just simple profane in the use of words. Profanity is a sign that we lack the virtues of decent people. PRAYING THAT WE WILL LEARN TO BE A LITTLE RESPECTFUL WITH OTHERS. We easily accuse others without hard facts to back our criticisms.


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