Kamala Harris Wants A Gun Confiscation In Response To Maine Mass Shooting



This VP is the personification of why we have the 2nd Amendment

If I wanted to live like they do in Australia; I’d move to Australia. Tired of these politicians screaming about America not being like some other country. Kamala should run for office in Australia.


  1. Will her Secret Service detail be giving up their guns? Didn’t think so. Average people are getting sick of crooked inept politicians.

  2. Does that ditz have any sense at all? Even as stupid as she is, she should know, or someone on her staff that knows should tell her, that any policy like that would at least cause a constitutional crises, probably even a second revolution.

  3. Hey Camala! Ask the murdered families in Israel if they could have used guns as they were being murdered by your friends Ham-ass??
    Never mind, their all dead!

    All of your gun laws didn’t stop Hunter from: falsifying a gun purchase application.

    Taking possession of a firearm while addicted to CRACK an transporting it across a border.

    Losing control of a LOADED firearm that ended up in a dumpster.

  4. “After the Hamas massacre in early October, Israeli officials have been encouraging citizens to arm up to stand guard against similar attacks. Who knows how many people could have been saved — and how many terrorists sent to their maker — if Israelis had the means to defend themselves against a force hell-bent on seeing them dead?”

  5. Kamala take an AK and shove it up your DmFing a– you stupid K.U.N.T! What Israel has gone through and what we are going through in this country with a full invasion of anything and everything that you and your bonehead buddy Biden have royally F’d up this country! GTH Kameltoe!

  6. It’s NOT the gun it’s the person pulling the trigger. Drugs and mental illness are a much bigger problem. She is mentally ill as are the rest of the democratic administration. Confiscate them, lock them up. Put them in cells with criminals . See how long it takes for them to want their own personal protection

  7. The Democrats WANT gun confiscation so bad they are bleeding it. Guess what? Dems are the ones BEHIND the shootings. They are PAYING certain people to start shooting in certain places just so they CAN take away all of our guns. How dirty can they get? They are not done yet. Wait, they will come up with some new plan to kill more of us and blame us for that, too. Lets hope the Brunson Brothers case in the Supreme Court comes fast and stops the Dems kindergarten antics. As it is, nearly 90 % of Congress have criminal backgrounds. I have all of their crimes listed.

  8. Once again the dummycrats blame the gun instead of the person using it. Notice the ex porno star is calling for banning guns but makes NO mention of improving mental health in this country or more longer prison terms or even more use of the death penalty for murders or even refunding the police departments of this country. LMS said the ex porno star should have an AK47 shoved up her vagina. I’d say a 10 gauge double barrel shotgun, and it would be a loose fit. Kamala should og back to the porno industry because a ****sucker is all she’s good for.


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