Kevin McCarthy DISMISSES Republicans on his way out



While it fills me with the utmost of child-like glee to see the #1 RINO take that walk of shame, I have to say this doesn’t impress me much. It’s all just a little more political theater designed to take the focus off of what’s happening to President Trump.

We all should have expected that it would end like this when that snake was made Speaker of the House.


  1. I like what she said and completely agree stop funding the left propaganda stop the damn border invasion not fund Ukraine border it is not our war Ukraine caused this war through thier curruption if i was Russ i would attack them too they are no better then the cartel at our border stop funding the IRS DOJ FBI CIA stop income tax use flat tax on goods purchased and tax the hell out of China and import goods lets get back to American made and kick out all the illegals make them do it the right way and stop federal money going to new york and Georgia and washington dc untill they stop thier TRUMP witch hunt

  2. The USCP (communist party) has taken over the democrat party and is funded by the CCP ( Chinese communist party) . why continue the ruse of Democratic party? The latest comment by Hillary Clinton confirms my belief.

  3. THINK THEN ACT! This is how it should go if anyone has a lick of common sense! Install “Trump” as Speaker of the House, Impeach Biden then in quick session impeach Harris, wala, Trump is now President and has a year and a half to get a jump on his re election for 2024, it is the only thing to get rid of both Biden and Harris which stops them from their continued destruction of our country. It is their waiting for those in GOP power to make happen.

    What kind of person kicks his own dog? Biden that’s who!


  4. McCarthy had his chance and he blew it. He did alright when it came to launching investigations into the Biden crime family but when the budget bill came up, he fell apart. I realize the senate is controlled by the dummycrats and any bill coming out of the House that didn’t fund dummycrat pet projects was going nowhere. But McCarthy should’ve stopped funding all that crap and the shut down would be blamed on the dummycrat Senate. Just provide enough funding for the military, social security, and other federal funded projects for people who need that money to survive. Government free loading workers can all starve for all I care. Should reduce the size of all those free loading departments are eliminate them altogether.


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