Lefties losing it: Candace Owens shuts down ‘chronic attention seekers’



Love Candace Owens we need more people like her in the media that actually put these idiot people in there place.

The tearless crying of that climate creep was hilarious.


  1. There really is no fix for stupid and just about every single leftism religion follower is stupid.

    If you are still saying the world “liberal” you are completely out of touch. there are no more liberals. there are only leftists.

  2. Is that Lunatic Limey a relative to Greta Thunberg just because she has British citizenship does not mean she has no Norse blood or has no 1 heard of William the Conqueror.

  3. Our schools have really dropped the ball. They have stopped teaching anything that’s really. All they do is teach false crap mith . Nothing of any substance at all.

  4. Ignorance is just a matter of education; but you can’t fix stupid. some of the most highly educated people are, unfortunately, also the most stupid. Our education system has dropped the ball, big time. We need to get back to education, not indoctrination. Teach reading,writing,arithmatic,civics & American & world history(the real history, as it really happened). while we are at it, let’s bring prayer & saluting the flag back into our classrooms.

  5. In ten years from now these “transgenders” will be blaming others because their lives will be devastating to go on. Take responsibility for your actions you f…ing idiots!! If someone is trying to indoctrinate you, you need to get the hell away from them. They aren’t your friends they don’t give a shit about you. Seek a therapist or counselor to confide in. On a positive note, I truly admire Candace Owens for her brilliant come backs to these ridiculous questions that she is being asked. She is one awesome patriotic American who has always spoken the truth. Thank you Candace!!!


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