These COMMUNISTIC democraps are huge LIARS!! What happened in 2020 just happened in Connecticut. and that election was overturned!! Except in 2020 with much more evidence it’s supposed to be bullshit, the lady in Connecticut was caught putting a few extra ballots, in Arizona they had film of van loads of ballots being brought in and some of them were votes from DEAD PEOPLE!!
the clintons, pelosi’s, obama’s, and schumer don’t give a damn about anyone either. Democrats are all about money and power. american citizens can all die as far as they are concerned.
It’s not news the stupid old senile poopypants Joe doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s always been that way. Joe only cares about his wealth and who’s going to change his depends for him.
I agree but it was not me. He has mental and use America problems
These COMMUNISTIC democraps are huge LIARS!! What happened in 2020 just happened in Connecticut. and that election was overturned!! Except in 2020 with much more evidence it’s supposed to be bullshit, the lady in Connecticut was caught putting a few extra ballots, in Arizona they had film of van loads of ballots being brought in and some of them were votes from DEAD PEOPLE!!
the clintons, pelosi’s, obama’s, and schumer don’t give a damn about anyone either. Democrats are all about money and power. american citizens can all die as far as they are concerned.
It’s not news the stupid old senile poopypants Joe doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s always been that way. Joe only cares about his wealth and who’s going to change his depends for him.