Liberal LAUGHS At Conservatives Avoiding San Fran Then THIS Happens!



One of the most pervasive political visions of our time is the vision of liberals as compassionate and conservatives as less caring – Thomas Sowell

Conservatives in California aren’t scared of San Francisco , We’re disgusted and embarrassed by it .
I can’t wait to leave California


  1. Why spend your money to visit San Francisco? Just visit your local sewer. There’s no difference. The guy in the video should be flushed down the toilet. He’s just a big turd.

  2. This jackass matches the shithole he lives in (his San Francisco). Laughing and making remarks about MAGA conservatives because we don’t want to visit a cesspool of filth and be attacked by barbarians who have nothing better to do but shoot drugs, piss and shit on the streets and block businesses with their ugly bodies. They all need to be fumigated for the diseases that they have.

  3. Yeah, I’m afraid to go to Frisco, because I can’t drop my keys (I would get punked by someone LIKE YOU), or might step in some leftist’s poop, or see some leftist assault a Jew, or get robbed by one of your put upon 13%ers.

  4. Have to be lost to want to pay expensive housing, rent, gas, food, and other things. Then have your children indoctrinated by the School Boards and Teacher’s Unions pushing the radical socialist CRT nonsense. Rather than punishing people, use money to open more drug treatment centers and homeless shelters. Kick Gascon out. He, and others on the left, support crime. Soros is another deadbeat that should not have any say in U.S. Elections. Americans and the Republicans better wake up. Do not let the Biden administration put Americans last. Then putting Ukraine, China, and other countries needs, instead of Americans, first. Vote these evil predators out. Put Trump, who put America first, back in office. These politicians, bureaucrats, donors, and big companies, cater to the left. Open borders, abusive spending on bad policies, and then claiming everyone that disagrees is the threat to Democracy. People want freedom and common sense. Not nonsense. Help at least one person a day. Pray in Jesus Name. This life is short. The life to come is the eternal one. What are you doing to make the world better?

  5. When you abandon all morals & common decency; what do you expect but utter chaos? I remember when San Francisco was a lovely place to live; but that was many years ago. The place now is more like a cesspool; & I understand why sensible people don’t want to go there.

  6. When you reward bad behavior, you get more bad behavior. Why is this so hard to understand? All choices have consequences; & when you choose to allow people to break the law without punishing them; then they lose respect for the law. San Francisco is the end result of soft on crime policies, & it will continue to degrade, if the government doesn’t wake up. Why do you think so many people are leaving California?


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