Liberal Media MELTS DOWN Over SCOTUS GIVING TRUMP HUGE VICTORY As Woke Judge Removes Him From Ballot



That woke judge is an example of everything wrong with the Democrats. Let’s go Brandon!

Glad the supreme court stepped in! Trump is innocent.


  1. We need a law that puts judges, da’s, Ag’s and prosecutors in prison if they actions, decisions, and charges are deemed unconstitutional or illegal.

  2. If they are going crazy now, just wait until Biden is found guilty of selling out America by his influence peddling. Which to me is nothing short of treason. When Biden says show me the money, the GOP prosecution better have large photos of his multiple million dollar estates in various parts of the country. How could he afford these places on his government salaries. That’s where the money is and that is how he hides it.

  3. The hatred the left has for President Trump is an obsession that they can’t handle or stop. They don’t want to be exposed for the filthy lies and corruption that they have done. The left wants everyone to believe they understand and that they care, wanting to be helpful to them. Nothing could be more further from the truth. The left wants power, control and with that comes money. If they get power and control the money to them comes automatically. You know longer have your rights and freedoms, you are controlled by the government. This is what Biden, his administration and the rest of the leftist want. People who don’t follow their agenda are eliminated. Our country is to important to us patriots to give in to this evil dictator. Vote out the liberal left, and the Rinos as well. Let’s get our country back!!

  4. They need to put TYT in a cell! All of them. MSNBC and he Madcow, and Howdy Doody Joe and his 1970’s hairdo wife Mika. Scumballs one and all. Political hacks.

  5. Crazy world this has become. Name calling, riots, lies and cheating all acceptable as normal behavior? I find it all ridiculous to understand that one man could divide a nation.

  6. It isn’t Trump or any of his supporters that are the threats to democracy. It is the democrats that are attempting power grabs and crushing our rights that are. Again, their deception and deflection is outrageous.


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