Liberal Reporter STUNNED After Poland Leader DECLARES NO Illegal Immigrants Are Allowed There!



I hate how a country loses its essence when it allows so much immigration.

I’ve always had HUGE, HUGE respect for Poland’s immigration policies.


    • You are absolutely ???? my friend, let’s keep it real since these idiots like the liberals, democrats, and now are smelly arm pit president had made our country weak and soft and spineless jelly fish, people like Mr gay Obama, nasty nancy Pelosi and killery Clinton, and don’t forget Mr soros the oldest mummy in the world that think they can do anything they want, well I hope they all spend time together in a cell with poppy pants Biden very soon.

  1. Americans renouncing US Citizenship because Traitor Joe favors illegal invaders – aka 2024 Demo-Rat Marxist Communist “voters”.
    America is not America anymore.
    At least Poland wants to remain Poland.
    Even the Surrender Monkeys of France are making noises about deporting “extremist” Muslims. Boy, if they’re even thinking about it – it must be bad.
    BTW – you smug Swedes – how does becoming known as the Rape Capital of Europe working for you? Taking in all those Syrians was best idea ever- Not.

  2. Bravo, Poland! The WOKE are a self terminating disease, as America will sadly find out.. I wish Joe and the Squad could be gotten rid of , deported to any hell hole out there, and there are many. Why else do we have 7 million invaders trying to live here?

  3. Well, since we have Biden Dumb F, he hasn’t figured this out yet in spite of this country going through 9/11, Boston Marathon, and many many other incidents, and now this disaster Israel has had to deal with including persons of interest being apprehended at the border but we can only imagine how many others are already in the US! Biden will learn when a major tragedy happens again and its just a matter of when. Now we have Bozo Bowman wanting to bring Gaza refugees here. You just can’t fix utter stupidity! As long as this circus administration is in place this country is F’d in every aspect of our society. This country is now a third world cesspool thanks to Biden and his freak show administration.


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