Liz Cheney Is DESPERATE For SCOTUS To Hurry Up Trump Case With Jack Smith



Lizard Cheney doesn't want her dad to go to jail. Trump must be stopped for her daddy and many many others to stay out of jail.

She's evil


  1. lez chinney and about half of the democratic party need to be jailed, for treason, malfeasance, lying under oath, destruction of evidence, failure to fulfill the oath of office, witness tampering, evidence tampering, theft of taxpayer dollars, and being fat,ugly and stupid.

  2. Lizard Cheney belongs in jail just like her father DICK Cheney. Like father, like daughter both corrupt liars who are trying to save their ass.

  3. I do not understand why people do not know about the Gitmo tv channel. According to the Gitmo files, Dick Cheney was executed by hanging for treason on 1/29/22 and his daughter, Liz Cheney was hanged at Gitmo on 4/24/23, one year and three days ago.

  4. Yes to GITMO with first 1 month of water boarding then hanging in the court yard. That for all traitors,oath breakers and democrats.

  5. Wish everyone a blessed Sunday time to do some meditations on how we behave and hate others. When we hate others, primarily we hate ourselves. HATRED FOR OTHERS is a real sign of unsettled feelings about ourselves just like trust, trust start from within not from without. We generalize a group of people and we cannot see ourselves that we have demonstrated so much hate for others because within us, there are unreleased feelings of self hatred. LET US SHOW SOME DIGNITY and maybe release our pent up emotions through prayers or if we do not believe in prayers, just do some simple breathing exercises to release those hateful blood that flows within our veins and arteries. May the HOLY SPIRIT enlighten us and start loving others, if do not love ourselves, we cannot love others, so release your inner anger.


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