MAJOR TWIST In TRUMP CASE. Will beat Fani Willis and Letitia James in court



Trump already has the Black vote. 90% of us are voting for Donald J. Trump!

Trump 2024


  1. Everyone knows the trump court cases on politically motivated. even the leftist who will not say it know it.

    As people wake up to the corruption and criminal activities of the democrats they grow to realize that if the democrats will do it to trump they will do it to you.

    these are the same tactics the dmeocrats (KKK) used in the south 150 years ago. no wonder they are so good at it.

    • The southern Democrats that you mention have now become Republicans, the typical platform of the old Republicans are now taken up by the Democrats. The KKK is a racist organization that as you mentioned was backed by the Southern Democrats but is now mostly backing the party of Trump. It has been reported the Trumps father was a member of the KKK. I don’t know if this can be confirmed as the KKK kept their membership secret. But obviously Canny Willis is not a member of the KKK. As blacks are not allowed in that white supremacist organization. So basically what you are arguing is BS.

      • bidens family owned slaves and where kkk members and joe supposed kkk leader, there is a picture of joe with kkk leader

    • Do a search on General Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the founders of the Knights that after it started in Pulaski, TN, he later tried to stop it. And they ran him off.
      I watched how Nancy Pelosi (D) and Jamie Raskin (D) went after Trump for making a phone call to check the corruption about Bribem using a U.S. Govt check of $1B in Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired. Which has aired a hundred times on TV, as Bribem laughed as he told them, “no play, no pay” and they fired the guy. When Trump made the call, these 2 had him impeached! But later, we learned President Trump was in the right! And now, an investigation ha an “elephant’s worth” of evidence against this massive “corrupt” family, and we still see no impeachment against them. Sort of like “a small dust storm to a tornado”.

  2. How is it, you can lie under oath in a courtroom and not be charged for it when your a democrat. How many laws can you break and still be in charge of corrupt business like here against trump. Good thing no ones above the laws, right !!! And they can’t understand why they losing voters by the score. So the illegals are here to replace them lost votes. Money for votes is still fixing elections, no matter how you try to say it’s not. And so the democrat corruption continues to win elections and have the power to make as much money as they like. At our expense tho.

  3. The Memorial — We . . . gain life through him.—1 John 4:9. — In the late 19th century, a group of Bible students led by Charles Taze Russell began an intensive study of the Scriptures. They wanted to know the truth about the value of Jesus’ sacrifice and how his death should be commemorated. Today we benefit from their research. How so? Our eyes have been opened to the truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and what it accomplishes. (1 John 2:1, 2) We have also learned that the Bible holds out two hopes for humans who please God—immortal life in heaven for some and everlasting life on earth for others. We draw closer to Jehovah as we consider how much he loves us and how much we personally benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice. (1 Pet. 3:18) So like our faithful brothers of the past, we invite others to join us in observing the Memorial according to the pattern Jesus set.
    Today we benefit from the research that those sincere Christian men undertook so long ago. How so? With Jehovah’s blessing, our eyes have been opened to the truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and what it accomplishes. (1 John 2:1, 2) To repeat this very important part; We have also learned that the Bible holds out two hopes for humans who please God—immortal life in heaven for some and everlasting life on earth for millions of others. We draw closer to Jehovah as we consider how much he loves us and how much we personally benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice. (1 Pet. 3:18; 1 John 4:9) So like our faithful brothers of the past, we invite others to join us in observing the Memorial according to the pattern Jesus set. – The full information about the Memorial is about 3 pages long. If you would like to read all of the information, please email me; [email protected]. I can also direct you to where you can arrange to have a FREE personal Bible study. Please request the link via email.

  4. They have been out to get since 2016. They are doing nothing but a political witch hunt and everyone knows it. This judge that set this bond that is making impossible for Trump to pay needs to taken off the bench asap. When are people going to wake up and realize that Trump is not the corrupt one. It’s Biden and the democratic party ,including prosecuters and judges

  5. Everybody loves to print hateful comments. Guess it is time to be a little repentant and avoid generalized accusations, it is LENTEN SEASON, time for reconciliation in preparation for Easter. MAY GOD CLEANSE us from the evil influence in critically making judgements on others without facts that support the truth.

  6. The Communist Democrats have weaponized every government agency against the people. They lie, cheat and steal to gain more power over the people. They have turned America from Energy independence to Energy Independence. They attack our Freedom of speech, Religion and especially our 2nd Amendment rights, something every dictator does to divide and conquer. Biden has opened our borders to millions of illegals and provides them with Free healthcare, education, housing. food, lawyers, transportation and other social services all at the expense of American citizens. Trump continued abuse from DOJ, AG’s and prosecutors is an absolute travesty and shows just how terrified Comrade Biden and the Democrats fear Trump and his America first policies. The Democrats are traitors and should start being treated as such.

  7. That would be quite a magic trick to put (ahem) Michelle Obama) in as the Democratic nominee. She (he) was executed at Gitmo by firing squad in October of 2020.


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