Man Goes Viral For Exposing WHY He Pulled His Kids Out Of Public School!



Reading, writing, arithmetic and real history is what they should teach at a reasonable pay. That’s it in my opinion!

Publicly funded education shouldn’t exist. Federal funding for education should never have happened.


  1. If you are not a Republican or strive to be, then you should just not vote in these next few elections. It’s that simple.

  2. As long as teachers are human beings or robots designed and programmed by human beings, education will never be perfect. But the one thing we CAN do that will improve America’s education system the most is to eliminate POLITICS from it . . . and the ONLY way to do that is to abolish public schools and implement school vouchers to give PARENTS the unhindered prerogative of sending their kids to the best school they can find. Competition for those voucher dollars will do more to improve the quality and quantity of education than any other single action could possibly do!

    But no politician will ever allow that, so we have to take it out of the hands of politicians.

  3. When it comes to teachers hating their job there are several reasons. One is the curriculum the school insist the teachers teach and since that curriculum is written in Washington DC, it’s a stupid unrealistic curriculum written by a bunch of idiot politicians and bureaucrats that don’t know anything about educating anybody. Then there’s the usual union hack who’s more interested in using the union to screw over their employer than doing their job. Plus, the fact that it appears that many parents don’t seem to care. While some parents don’t care, there are a lot of parents where both have to work, making it hard to go to conferences. And giving teachers a $10,000 a year raise every year isn’t feasible, let alone no school system can afford it. Besides, what makes the teacher’s union so special? There’s union jobs around me within 45 miles of where I live and NO ONE makes that kind of money.

  4. I think you are preaching to the choir….I think most people who have, or had children in public schools, know that you have to have involved parents, children who have had some head start at home and good teachers.
    I have a daughter and son-in-law who are teachers. My son-in-law was teaching at a charter school in Baltimore city and now teaches in Howard County. He is very involved with his students. Some do well, some don’t.
    His wife, our daughter, taught for a year in a Baltimore City school that was not a charter school. She had a degree in elementary education. She was all prepared with lesson plans for her second grade students. She would be in tears by the end of the day, because, not only wasn’t she able to teach, she spent almost 1/2 of the day trying to get the students to be quiet and sit down and listen. One of the students called her “white tail” another student said he was going home to get his father’s gun and shot her. She had no support from the principal. He was overwhelmed and died of a heart attack in his 50’s.
    So, my daughter got her masters degree in teaching English as a second language. She then went to Mexico and taught for two years. She wanted to go somewhere where the students wanted to learn. She then went to school to be a massage therapist and is very happy in this profession. So, it is not all about the money. No amount of money would make my daughter go back to teaching in that public school in Baltimore.

  5. Teachers hate their jobs because they are required to show up most days of the week. All teachers are lazy low intelligence fools. The easiest degree to get in college is education. That is why these la,y people are teachers.


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