it’s people like her that keep racism going, they keep dividing the country, and the MONEY she made off the government, she’s not cry poverty but just keeps running her ignore old ancient mouth of time gone by, living in the past, and claiming MLK, they only use it when they want and not follow thru,
the democrats are the ones trying to cause a civil war, just look around, for this country has never been like this until 8 years with one and the last 4 years with the other, and controlled by soros the country hater/destroyer
Ah, a message from the party of love and tolerance who told its members to physically “push back” against members of the other party any time they saw them and let them know they weren’t wanted there. Don’t ya wanna just grab that wig off her head and rub it in her face? She is the poster child for crooked politicians.
She made this statement in Leesburg, Loudon County. The people of Loudon should be screaming and re-install the Confederate Monument “illegally taken down” in front of the County Courthouse. The monument was constructed and approved by former Colonel Elijah V. White, 35th Virginia Cavalry of Poolesville, Maryland (across the Potomac), and The United Daughters of the Confederacy. This radical pos shouldn’t be allowed to spout-off her “Harass them at the gas stations, in the restaurants the beaches or anywhere you see Republicans” violent rhetoric. Put the monument back up. SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS!
Keep in mind everyone, the last time the democRATS wanted a civil war, it was the Republicans that whooped their arse! We did it once we can do it again! All the democRATS have is trannies in tutu’s and brainwashed liberals and welfare rats, that are to lazy to get a job, so does anybody really think they will get off the couch to fight in a civil war? GET REAL
it’s people like her that keep racism going, they keep dividing the country, and the MONEY she made off the government, she’s not cry poverty but just keeps running her ignore old ancient mouth of time gone by, living in the past, and claiming MLK, they only use it when they want and not follow thru,
the democrats are the ones trying to cause a civil war, just look around, for this country has never been like this until 8 years with one and the last 4 years with the other, and controlled by soros the country hater/destroyer
Ah, a message from the party of love and tolerance who told its members to physically “push back” against members of the other party any time they saw them and let them know they weren’t wanted there. Don’t ya wanna just grab that wig off her head and rub it in her face? She is the poster child for crooked politicians.
This is the Democrats way of stiring crap up.
She made this statement in Leesburg, Loudon County. The people of Loudon should be screaming and re-install the Confederate Monument “illegally taken down” in front of the County Courthouse. The monument was constructed and approved by former Colonel Elijah V. White, 35th Virginia Cavalry of Poolesville, Maryland (across the Potomac), and The United Daughters of the Confederacy. This radical pos shouldn’t be allowed to spout-off her “Harass them at the gas stations, in the restaurants the beaches or anywhere you see Republicans” violent rhetoric. Put the monument back up. SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS!
Keep in mind everyone, the last time the democRATS wanted a civil war, it was the Republicans that whooped their arse! We did it once we can do it again! All the democRATS have is trannies in tutu’s and brainwashed liberals and welfare rats, that are to lazy to get a job, so does anybody really think they will get off the couch to fight in a civil war? GET REAL