Meet The Person RED PILLING Suburban Women!



As a white 51 year old straight woman from Small town North Carolina im trump 100% for the 3rd time. Trump 2024

As a 74 year old woman, I have been a Trump supporter from the first day when he came down that golden escalator. What could be better than a businessman to run the country. He would know his way around spreadsheets and financial statements. Don’t understand why people don’t recognize this and continue to vote for politicians who have never done anything in life but be one (Joe Biden)?


  1. Dummycrat have pushing the lie “We care about your children” for decades. Bill Clinton alawys said he was doing everything for the children, this coming from a cowardly lying pervert. Then there was Hillary’s book “it takes a village” which was nothing more than a book on brainwashing young minds to be communist so they’d grow up to be good communist. A book written by an old bitch that will Clintoncide ANYONE who gets in her way. The suburban woman, regardless of skin color, lapped that BS up like a starving dog. Now you have kids too lazy to work and won’t leave home, regardless of their age. Bathrooms that are open to child molesting perverts, like Bill Clinton, and boys that have no idea what they are, and in some states, post aborting children up to 30 days old with dummycrat state politicians pushing for up to 2 years of age. This is the result of several decades of suburban women believing the lies from the dummycrats. It’s about those suburban women woke up to the reality of the dummycrat party’s lies.

  2. Some people never wake up. The way Biden-Obama run the Government today is a total disgrace. Can you imagine if President Trump did some of the things dead brain Biden did? They would have hung him by now. Our borders are wide open and we have so many communist in our country we might as well be a third world nation. I think of all our military that have died to protect freedom and we have just opposite. God Please Help the U.S.


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